Page 30 - Energize June 2022
P. 30


        Growth strategy accelerates with three

        key staff appointments

        To successfully deliver on their growth strategy, SolarAfrica is committed to investing
        consistently in its people and workplace.

                 ith the above mentioned in mind, SolarAfrica is pleased   impact. He played a leading role in installing the first solar PV-
                 to announce the expansion of its team, with three   powered electric vehicle charging station in 2020 and also received
       Wnew staff appointments that reflect the company’s      the Doug Banks Renewable Energy Vision (DBREV) Trust Scholarship
        commitment to offering the most comprehensive expertise and   in the same year.
        insight to best serve their clients’ needs.               Mihlava Manyike brings her vast experience in strategic buying,
           With 13 years’ experience in environmental and social   procurement and supply chain management, to join SolarAfrica
        management in Africa, Karen Potgieter joins SolarAfrica as   as Procurement & Logistics Manager. She holds a Diploma in
        Compliance Manager. She holds a Bachelor of Science in   Level 4 from the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply,
        Environmental Science and Management (Honours) and a Bachelor   and a Diploma in Logistics from the University of Johannesburg.
        of Commerce in Environmental Management from North-West   Specialising in the development, implementation and maintenance
        University. With a passion for environmental projects that supports   of procurement systems, she takes charge of functions such as
        global ESG criteria, Potgieter’s vast experience in environmental   sourcing, pricing, preferential procurement, cost savings and
        and social auditing, due diligence assessments, environmental and   procurement project management, to effectively streamline and
        social advisory services, and environmental project management,   optimise SolarAfrica’s overall procurement and supply operations.
        to name but a few, ensures that SolarAfrica can confidently operate   Manyike continues to study whilst growing the supply chain
        while being continuous stewards of sustainability. She has led   functionality of the business to meet growing demands.
        numerous environmental projects across Africa and possesses   SolarAfrica collaborates with their clients to make a tangible
        thorough knowledge of the prevailing environmental permitting   and sustainable impact on their businesses, as well as the world
        frameworks in the various countries where she has worked.  around them. They’re an ambitious team, passionate about what
           Sakhile Ngcongwane brings his extensive business experience   they do and the core values they uphold. Their investment in
        to SolarAfrica as a Product Development Specialist. He holds a   the best people to build high functioning teams, ensures they
        Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science, a Bachelor of Science   continue to have the breadth of insight and perspective to do
        (Honours) in Energy Studies and a Master of Management in   just that. These new additions to the SolarAfrica team will play
        Energy Leadership. With a keen interest in renewable energy   an instrumental role in their ability to continue their journey to
        and climate change, he strives to find opportunities to develop   becoming the leading solar financing company in South Africa, well
        progressively innovative strategies that combine meaningful   beyond 2022.
        stakeholder engagement with sound data analysis and the
        appropriate product mix, to achieve sustainable growth for   Contact SolarAfrica, Phone 012 881-4800,,
        SolarAfrica, while contributing to positive social and environmental

        Karen Potgieter                      Sakhile Ngcongwane                   Mihlava Manyike

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