Page 5 - Energize June 2022
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Updated IRP is on its way, but will it really be any different? 1
Copyright of all material appearing in energize is
COVER STORY vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In submitting
Cast resin transformers: The path to a greener future 4 any article for publication, the authors confirm
that they own the copyright to the said article,
NEWS which is ceded to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd for
Wind energy association unpacks complexities of procurement process 6 publication. The editor reserves the right to edit
Expertise offered for mandatory EPC building compliance 7 or shorten articles submitted for publication.
Promoted to drawing office manager 7
Decarbonisation service supports customers’ emissions goals 8 Editing and/or shortening is done with due
Solar-powered light tower scores four zeros 9 dilligence, where necessary in conjuction with
Goodbye to the manometer needle 10 the author(s).
Feedback from the recent technical NFC webinar 11 No part of this publication may be
Upgraded boiler units to meet new emission regulations 12 reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system,
Cape Town’s N1 benefits from LED streetlighting upgrade 13 or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
Why electricians and HVAC technicians need professional-grade laser levels 14 except as described below, without the written
Control Techniques wins iF Design Award 2022 15 permission of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Copying of
Fuel cells for heavy duty trucks 16
Unit 4 of the Kusile power station enters commercial operation 17 articles is not permitted except for personal and
Cutting a great deal: introducing new developments and products 18 internal use, to the extent permitted by South
Cost-effective electrical termination solutions for the construction industry 19 African law. Permission is not required to make
ESS to smooth grid integration for Côte d’Ivoire’s first solar plant 20 abstracts, on condition that a full reference to
Accelerating the Industrial Edge through partnership 22 the source is shown. Requests for permission for
One-stop shop for mining procurement 23 other kinds of copying should be addressed to
Winner of Top Performer distinction for eighth consecutive year 24
Keeping remote access for monitoring secure 25 EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
A brilliant piece of engineering 25
New green power projects signed 26 Disclaimer
Battery cell facility built to meet growing demand for battery storage 27 Articles published in energize do not necessarily
Growth strategy accelerates with three key staff appointments 28 reflect the views of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or
Gauteng youth help solve technology challenges of the global energy transition 29 the editor. In addition, views expressed by the
SAPVIA appoints new CEO 30 editor do not necessarily reflect the views of
Solar mounting system with additional elements 31 EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or any other person or
Predictive maintenance with wireless tools 32
organisation associated with energize.
POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA 33 It is a condition of publishing material in
energize that EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall not
VIEWS AND OPINION be liable for any consequential or other damages
The state of smart home adoption in SA 34 arising from the publication in good faith of any
Benefits of vanadium redox flow batteries for energy storage 36 article, advertisement, picture, comment, view
Wind and solar supplied 10% of global generation in 2021 38 or opinion. This applies to publishing, failing to
Advantages of investing in energy-efficient technology 40
SA needs a national priority project to deal with load shedding – now 41 publish, late publishing or incorrectly publishing
Multiple benefits from SA’s move towards renewables 43 any article, advertisement, insert, picture,
The Virginia gas project: an overview 44 caption, etc.
It is acknowledged that errors in transcript,
TECHNICAL human and technical errors can and do occur,
MV switchgear testing and monitoring 46 but that reasonable effort will be made to
Tips for mitigating harmful harmonics 51 minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
Talking transformer testing 54
What is ‘human centric’ lighting? 60 and correct such errors when they are brought to
Frequency protection explained: Variants and rationale 65 the attention of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
6 24 40
13 38 51