Page 5 - Energize July 2022
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FROM THE EDITOR                                                             Copyright
        Time to end load shedding                                           1
                                                                                    Copyright of all material appearing in energize is
        COVER STORY                                                                 vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In submitting
        Reactive Power - the compensation specialists                       4       any article for publication, the authors confirm
                                                                                    that they own the copyright to the said article,
        NEWS                                                                        which is ceded to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd for
        Latest catalogue boasts 900 additional product offerings            6       publication. The editor reserves the right to edit
        African solar company of the year nominee                           7       or shorten articles submitted for publication.
        Wind industry welcomes presidential support of accelerated energy transformation   8
        Karusa wind farm connects to national grid                          9       Editing and/or shortening is done with due
        Quick turnaround, latest technology for customers                  10       dilligence, where necessary in conjuction with
        Calculate, indicate, count: Volume counting for smart savers       11       the author(s).
        ‘MiniCool, maxi benefits’                                          11          No part of this publication may be
        Lighting solution for AlcoNCP                                      12       reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system,
        Transitioning to a sustainable and prosperous future               13       or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
        Massive energy storage system to help achieve net zero             14
        Higher performance and connectivity features with new SACE Tmax XT   16     except as described below, without the written
        Specialist monitoring company acquires water test lab              17       permission of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Copying of
        Shaft-mounted mechanical digital position indicators               18       articles is not permitted except for personal and
        Collaboration on grid-interactive UPS technology                   19       internal use, to the extent permitted by South
        Update on Eskom’s application for a nuclear installation site licence for the Thyspunt site   20  African law. Permission is not required to make
        Power for All Alliance extended                                    21       abstracts, on condition that a full reference to
        University increases cost savings with reliable cogeneration solution   24
        SA’s largest solar PV carport comes online in Pretoria             25       the source is shown. Requests for permission for
        Success all around for Truck Test 2022                             26       other kinds of copying should be addressed to
        The ultimate tool backpack for maintenance professionals           26       EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
        Hydraulic deadweight tester for calibrating pressure measuring instruments   27
        Recycling hazardous used oil responsibly is essential to protect our environment   28  Disclaimer
        Stationary battery basics: jars and straps                         30       Articles published in energize do not necessarily
        Enhanced safety for machine operators                              31
        Namibia Armature Rewinders relocates to Walvis Bay                 31       reflect the views of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or
        New leadership at solar association                                32       the editor. In addition, views expressed by the
        BTE Renewables acquires Sonnedix South Africa                      33       editor do not necessarily reflect the views of
        Hydrogen company appoints news group CEO                           34       EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or any other person or
        Local wind team to gain global training, experience                35       organisation associated with energize.
        POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA                                       36          It is a condition of publishing material in
                                                                                    energize that EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall not
        VIEWS AND OPINION                                                           be liable for any consequential or other damages
        A national priority project to end load shedding fast              37       arising from the publication in good faith of any
        Resolving South Africa’s power crisis                              42       article, advertisement, picture, comment, view
        Times of turmoil inspire us to seek hope and plan action           45       or opinion. This applies to publishing, failing to
        Latest MIT report: The road to decarbonisation: renewables plus storage   46  publish, late publishing or incorrectly publishing
        Moving ahead with the clean energy transition                      49       any article, advertisement, insert, picture,
        How to combat the energy crisis, meet climate goals                51
        Fuel for the future: What to look out for in fuel cell production   53      caption, etc.
                                                                                       It is acknowledged that errors in transcript,
        TECHNICAL                                                                   human and technical errors can and do occur,
        Blue GIS: What is it and how does it work?                         56       but that reasonable effort will be made to
        Linear generators: A new standby generation option                 58       minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
        Understanding motor inrush current                                 63       and correct such errors when they are brought to
        Lead-acid batteries are not going away – A technical comparison of lead-acid and Li-ion batteries  66
        Fuel cells offer reliable, high quality power today and for the future   72  the attention of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.


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