Page 35 - Energize August 2022
P. 35


        Unprecedented development

        for South Africa

                                       Information from Allbro

             o say that we have the most advanced range of industrial
             enclosures in the world is a bold claim. While there is no hard-
        Tand-fast international ranking for enclosures, there are some
        features built into the DNA of this nation’s only home-grown range
        that would arguably make it worthy of taking first place.

        The price of steel
        Low-cost imported steel has had a large impact on the South African
        market. The majority of electrical enclosures used in South Africa
        are coated mild steel. Standard off-the-shelf sizes used to be locally
        manufactured, but the tide of low-cost imported steel products has
        almost completely displaced local steel manufacture in this sector.
        The probability of any local content in the boxes bought from South   Figure 2: The Allbrox® range comes in grey and
        African electrical wholesalers is close to zero.                    orange, with 14 sizes available
           The quality of these enclosures is often subpar, and their
        performance leaves a lot to be desired. Before the pandemic, the   many consumer products which require durability greater than
        economics of these enclosures made them acceptable, and they   that which steel can provide.
        became standardised. As the price of shipping and steel have sky-  Historically, SMC enclosures were about three times more
        rocketed and continue to do so, these enclosures have now become   expensive than steel enclosures. Through local mould manufacture,
        less desirable.                                         local raw material sourcing and compounding, local labour, and local
           Allbrox® enclosures are NOT made from steel. Allbro   energy costs, Allbro has managed to change the price position of SMC
        compounds a special version of glass reinforced polyester (GRP)   enclosures. This makes Allbrox® the only SMC composite enclosure
        known as SMC (sheet moulding compound). This well-known   range which can compete with cheap steel imports on price.
        composite material is used in the manufacture of critical structural   It goes without saying that the benefits of using SMC over steel
        parts for truck body parts, manhole covers, car parts, jet skis and   are profound when overseas end users are able to justify paying
                                                                three times more for the benefits that SMC provides. Through the
                                                                efforts of Allbro, it is no longer necessary for South African end
                                                                users and equipment manufacturers to compromise with steel
                                                                enclosures. The vastly superior SMC technology is now generally
                                                                cheaper than steel.
                                                                  Allbrox® is without question the most durable SMC enclosure
                                                                available anywhere. A unique coating process allows the enclosure
                                                                to withstand decades of the harshest weather conditions. It is
                                                                important to remember that the material underneath the coating is
                                                                also able to endure decades of abuse from the elements. There is no
                                                                enclosure in the world that will last as long as an Allbrox® enclosure.
                                                                  With Allbro’s in-house tooling, the range has grown significantly
                                                                over the last five years. Industry is rapidly recognising the benefits
                                                                of this home-grown solution and more and more specifications are
                                                                being changed to support the introduction of Allbrox® enclosures as
                                                                a plant standard.
                                                                  The local fan base for this breakthrough is a fundamental aspect
                                                                for the success of the product range on a competitive world stage.

                                                                      Contact Allbro, Phone 011 894-8341,
        Figure 1: The Allbrox® protects against water, dust, chemical spray,
        and shock hazards.

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