Page 36 - Energize August 2022
P. 36
Power developments in Africa
Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media
New substation to help improve electricity access Off-grid mini-grids to increase
electricity access
A new 30 MW substation, due to be operational next month, is expected to reduce
electricity outages in the City of Kigali and other parts of Rwanda. The project, which is part The Nigerian part of the Regional Off-Grid
of the country’s plans to reach 100% access to electricity by 2024, was funded by Japan’s Electricity Access Project (ROGEAP) was
International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Since 2005, JICA has invested in 22 projects valued officially launched on 19 July 2022, to
at more than US$201-million. Between 2022 and 2026, it is projected that JICA will have provide electrification through mini-grids
supported 42 domestic projects and three East African integration projects worth $337-million. powered by renewable energy. This regional
initiative will contribute to the increase
Solar and wind to improve Solar PV to power home in the electricity access rate, currently
electricity access appliance factory estimated at 36%. Abuja is focusing on
off-grid solar systems to meet the energy
Dubai-based AMEA Power has signed an Swedish home appliances manufacturer demands of its homes and businesses. The
Implementation Agreement (IA) for the Electrolux is entering into a multi-year ongoing Nigeria Electrification Project (NEP)
development of a 30 MW solar PV project partnership with SolarizEgypt for solar deploys solar-powered mini-grids and solar
in Djibouti. Last year, a consortium led by power generation in three phases. The home systems mainly in rural areas, with
Africa Finance Corporation launched the first phase is the installation of 1,5 MW funding from the World Bank.
development of a 60 MW wind power of which 1 MW will be used to power
project in the Ghoubet area, near Lake the Delta factory for the manufacture of Solar home system provider
Assal. Djibouti has a population of just over refrigerators and washing machines in expands
1 million, 100 000 of which are still without the governorate of Cairo. The solar power
access to electricity. The country’s renewable plant will occupy an area of 11 850 m and d.light, a solar products provider, has raised
energy share of electricity capacity recently will supply 1680 MWh of clean electricity $50-million from a consortium of lenders
increased to 14%, according to data from the per year. The new plant will offset CO 2 to support its expansion in Africa. The
International Renewable Energy Agency. emissions of 1136 t per year. loans will facilitate its PayGo consumer
finance business and allow launching of
Mini-grid programme to support economic growth new products. The company also secured
$238-million in par value receivables
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is supporting African countries as they recover financing as part of Brighter Life Kenya
from the impact of Covid-19, and as the continent responds to the effects of climate change 2 Limited (BLK2), a local currency-based
and the call to shift to a net-zero world. The IFC recently launched the Scaling Mini-Grid financing facility for solar home systems
programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an investment with Elsewedy Electric which aims to benefit Kenya and other East
to increase access to renewable energy across Africa. The organisation is also increasing African countries.
funding to help sustain and create jobs, improve basic services, and foster growth for small
and medium-sized enterprises in the region. More solar home systems to be
New dam to provide power Wind farm to be modernised,
and water expanded The Netherlands Development Organisation
(SNV) has signed an agreement with
The Uganda Electricity Transmission Morocco’s Nassim Koudia Al Baida wind electricity access provider Ignite Power to
Company Limited will build a 30 m high farm’s output will doubled. €53,5-million cover the distribution of more than 300
dam with a reservoir capacity of 43 million has been raised from the European Bank 000 solar home systems in off-grid areas
m3. The project is supported by the AU’s for Reconstruction and Development in Mozambique. Ignite Power has been
New Partnership for Africa’s Development (EBRD) and the Climate Technology Fund operating in Mozambique since 2019
(NEPAD). About 20 000 households will (CTF) of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF). under the Energy for All programme. The
receive continuous access to clean water The wind farm, which was commissioned in UAE-based solar home system provider
and 3300 ha of land will be restored in 2000 with an installed capacity of 50 MW, has directly impacted more than 100 000
Uganda and Kenya. The new dam will also will be upgraded to 100 MW. The wind farm people in remote communities in Africa,
generate 1750 kW of electricity which will will be commissioned in the second quarter offering sustainable, life-enabling distributed
be shared by both countries, contributing of 2024 and will supply 420 000 Moroccan infrastructure solutions, including solar
to the achievement of Uganda’s Vision homes while avoiding the emission of home systems, solar-powered irrigation
2040 and Kenya’s Vision 2030. 308 000 t of CO 2 equivalent per year. pumps, clean cooking stoves and more.
energize | August 2022 | 34