Page 41 - Energize August 2022
P. 41


        test costs around R5500 (more than ten   Dirty diesel can cause increased   sophisticated laboratory instrumentation.
        times the lateral flow test) and has to be   abrasive wear of injectors and fuel   South Africa produces three grades of
        outsourced.                          pumps, while water can cause corrosion   diesel containing either less than 10 ppm,
           Although it is possible for gas   of fuel system components. There are   50 ppm or 500 ppm of sulphur. Diesel (and
        chromatography to be carried out on   many companies which can remediate,   other fuels) coming into the country from
        the suspect diesel sample to look for   or clean contaminated diesel and it   over-border sources may not be subject to
        IP itself, because of the very similar   would be hoped that the engine’s   our laws restricting the amount of sulphur
        physical and chemical characteristics of   on-board fuel filtration system would   present in the diesel and represent a
        the two liquids and the large number of   go some way to keeping harmful   hazard to both the lubrication of the
        compounds in each, the process is slow,   contaminants away from sensitive   engine and the operation of emission
        expensive and not particularly accurate.  mechanical components.          control components.
           Whilst on the topic of contaminants in   The other ‘contaminant’ which   It is wise to keep your diesel clean
        diesel, it is important to take a quick look   should be considered is sulphur. Sulphur   and dry and not to pollute it with foreign
        at the other contaminants which can be   containing compounds are naturally   compounds which could cause engine
        found in diesel and may have a deleterious   occurring in diesel but are removed   damage as well as being illegal.
        effect on the fuel’s performance.    during the refining process as sulphur   Should you think your diesel is dirty
           The two most common contaminants   can poison catalytic converters found   or has been doctored, please contact the
        are dirt and water. Contamination from   on most modern diesel engines. High   nearest WearCheck laboratory right away.
        these two sources is usually a matter of   sulphur can also have an effect on
        poor hygiene practice, as they enter the   combustion by-products entering   John Evans is a diagnostics manager at
        diesel through the supply train. Diesel   the engine oil and reducing its ability   WearCheck.
        leaving the refinery will be clean and   to lubricate the engine adequately.
        dry, but transport, storage, dispensing   The testing for the IP marker is fairly   Contact WearCheck, Phone 031 700-5460,
        and use all introduce sources of     straightforward, easy and cheap to carry,
        contamination.                       out; however, sulphur testing requires
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