Page 5 - Energize August 2022
P. 5
Christmas in July? 1
Copyright of all material appearing in energize is
COVER STORY vested in EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. In submitting
Advantages of cast resin type transformers 4 any article for publication, the authors confirm
that they own the copyright to the said article,
NEWS which is ceded to EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd for
Technology day showcases advanced, sophisticated gear 6 publication. The editor reserves the right to edit
A quarter of global hydrogen set for trading by 2050 8 or shorten articles submitted for publication.
Helping companies and governments accelerate climate and sustainability journeys 9 Editing and/or shortening is done with due
Europe’s largest renewable hydrogen plant 10 dilligence, where necessary in conjuction with
Eskom appoints service providers for its battery energy storage project 11
Energy storage systems for large solar-plus-storage project 12 the author(s).
Now you can “see” sound and locate the invisible threat... 13 No part of this publication may be
MEA region’s potential as an exporter of green hydrogen 14 reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system,
Easy work of gas sphere inspection 16 or transmitted in any form, or by any means,
Industry standard DMMs for electricians when uptime matters 17 except as described below, without the written
Launch of new LED lowbay luminaire 17 permission of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Copying of
Saving on repair costs using automotive DIY adhesives 18 articles is not permitted except for personal and
MOKE goes electric, sells shares 19 internal use, to the extent permitted by South
Wind industry welcomes presidential intervention plan for accelerated power 20 African law. Permission is not required to make
Another wind farm connects to the national grid 21
Lifeline extended to young unemployed graduate 22 abstracts, on condition that a full reference to
Precision measurement for heavyweights 23 the source is shown. Requests for permission for
One small sensor helps: The Grensmaas project 24 other kinds of copying should be addressed to
Africa Wind Energy 2022 Conference & Exhibition 25 EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
Fast switching conductive level switch 28
Floodlighting solution for new school sports fields 29 Disclaimer
Launch of new LED bollard 30 Articles published in energize do not necessarily
From the Arctic to the Sahara, switchgear testing goes extreme 30 reflect the views of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or
Fixed-mount IR cameras for research analysis 31 the editor. In addition, views expressed by the
Collaboration in growing offshore wind market 32
editor do not necessarily reflect the views of
ADVERTORIAL EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd or any other person or
Unprecedented development for South Africa 33 organisation associated with energize.
It is a condition of publishing material in
POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN AFRICA 34 energize that EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd shall not
be liable for any consequential or other damages
VIEWS AND OPINION arising from the publication in good faith of any
Enabling any enterprise to sell energy 35 article, advertisement, picture, comment, view
Top safety tips for operating your generator 36
Ideal power ecosystem for IPPs 37 or opinion. This applies to publishing, failing to
Doctored diesel is dangerous 38 publish, late publishing or incorrectly publishing
Ten common myths about machine safety 40 any article, advertisement, insert, picture,
caption, etc.
TECHNICAL It is acknowledged that errors in transcript,
Asset performance management 42 human and technical errors can and do occur,
Auto-reclosers and sectionalisers in distribution networks 46 but that reasonable effort will be made to
Evaluation of transformer solid insulation 50 minimise their occurence, and to acknowledge
PV performance results: An interview with CSIR 55 and correct such errors when they are brought to
Hybrid power systems for remote sites 59
Energy modelling: an essential step in microgrid projects 63 the attention of EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd.
10 46
19 32 50