Page 57 - Energize August 2022
P. 57


        PV performance results:

        An interview with CSIR

        A presentation on PV system performance at the CSIR was given at
        the Enlit Africa Conference which took place in June at the Cape Town
        International Conference Centre. Energize caught up with Lawrence
        Pratt, principal researcher at the CSIR Energy Research Centre

        recently and asked him about the presentation.
                                                                                  Lawrence Pratt

        Hi Lawrence, thank you for speaking   of South Africans.” And “The CSIR is listed as a public entity in terms of the Public Finance
        to Energize today. Please tell us about   Management Act (PFMA), 1999 (Act 1 of 1999), as amended by Act 29 of 1999. Its Executive
        yourself. What is your responsibility   Authority is the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology.”
        at the Energy Research Centre? How
        long have been there? What would     What is the PV Module Q&R Lab?
        your typical day look like at the Energy   The CSIR’s photovoltaic (PV) module quality and reliability testing laboratory – a first of its
        Research Centre?                     kind for Africa – consists of world-class equipment for localising accelerated reliability stress
        I am a solar energy professional with   testing on PV modules. The use of the facility by our clients helps to de-risk investment
        experience in manufacturing, research,   in PV systems by ensuring that only high-quality modules that are suitable to the unique
        development, design, installation, testing,   South African climate are developed and installed.
        and certification of PV modules and
        systems. I joined the CSIR in 2017 for the   You can learn more about the lab by visiting our website and by watching this
        purpose of designing and building a state-                      YouTube video.
        of-the-art PV module quality and reliability    
        test lab in South Africa to serve the local
        industry. A typical day for me is quite
        hectic, as there are many expectations   Please tell us more about the report that you gave at the recent Enlit Africa Conference.
        placed on principal researchers at the   What was the primary objective of the study and what were your overall findings?
        CSIR. I oversee the PV lab, provide   The Enlit Africa presentation provided an overview of the PV plants in operation at the CSIR.
        mentorship, train staff, develop proposals,   We have 2 MW of PV systems installed on single-axis trackers, dual-axis trackers and fixed
        write papers, and conduct research and   tilt rooftops throughout the campus (Figure 1). The PV plants enable the CSIR to reduce
        development on my PhD. using machine-  the amount of electrical energy purchased from the city by roughly 15% and provides an
        learning to analyse electroluminescence
        (EL) images of PV modules.

        Please tell us more about the CSIR Energy
        Research Centre. What is its primary
        responsibility? Is the CSIR a state-owned
        and run organisation?
        As stated on the CSIR website, “The
        Council for Scientific and Industrial
        Research, commonly known as the CSIR,
        is a world-class African research and
        development organisation established
        through an Act of Parliament in 1945. The
        CSIR undertakes directed, multidisciplinary
        research and technological innovation that
        contributes to the improved quality of life   Figure 1: Installed solar PV

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