Page 67 - Energize August 2022
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profile data, the more accurate the model results will be. At the very least an hourly load to incentives such as investment
profile for an entire year will ensure the energy model is useful but more frequent data tax credits (ITC) for solar or battery
points such as every 30, 15, or 1 minute for a year will provide even more accuracy. installations. Additionally, some utilities
An understanding of the load profile is also critical to determine the potential savings or localities offer customers the chance
that can be realised especially when Time of Use (TOU) utility tariffs are present in an on- to participate in peak-demand avoidance
grid application. In the case where measured load data is not available, such as in the case programs that can result in significant
of a new construction building, there are still options that can help achieve a beneficial cost savings. Many incentives and
energy model, including using existing data from a similar site, or generating a synthetic energy programmes can be accounted
load profile based on a description of the site’s electrical loads and planned daily operation. for in the energy model which can help
• Utility bills: In applications that are grid connected, a utility bill is essential for energy determine total life cycle cost of the
modelling. The utility rate structure must be included in the model to determine what level project and ensure that a true financial
of savings may be achieved with the various system architectures explored. These savings model is generated. These incentives
could either be due to reducing peak demand, time-shifting the load, or reducing the and programmes typically lead to faster
overall energy consumption from the utility grid. payback on project investments which
• Fuel availability and cost: It is important to communicate what type of fuel is available and can make certain system architectures
what the cost of these fuels will be at the point of delivery. The availability of the fuel helps more favourable than others.
the model explore the possible technologies that can be considered for a project and the
associated costs or savings with each of the proposed assets, while ensuring that the model Value of a system integrator which
excludes any solutions that are not feasible. provides energy modelling services
• Space constraints: This information will help the modeler understand what assets can be It is important to find a trusted partner
used for the site. Sites with limited space may limit the size of certain assets such as solar who has the expertise in delivering hybrid,
panels which tend to require significant real estate. multi-asset energy solutions all the way
• Power outages: It is important to understand the frequency and duration of power from energy modelling to design and
outages at a project site. This is most critical in locations where the utility is unreliable. implementation. The ideal partner would
Understanding the system’s resiliency needs is key, as these can play a major factor in the be an entity that has in-depth knowledge
sizing and type of assets included in a proposed solution. of different energy assets’ performances
• Incentives and programmes: Depending on a site’s location, certain assets may be entitled and a comprehensive understanding of
the application to provide an integrated,
reliable, cost-effective solution.
Energy modelling is a critical first step in any
project where multiple energy assets are
under consideration. The energy model can
paint a clear picture of what the winning
system looks like in terms of the financial,
environmental and technical goals. By
relying on site-specific information, the
energy model can help build confidence
in the proposed system to justify the
Figure 3 investment and the project risk. It is critical
to partner with a system integrator who has
energy modelling capability to best realise
the benefits of a multi-asset solution. This
helps ensure that all possible challenges of
the project are identified at the modelling
stage, and corrective actions can be
taken to design the most beneficial and
valuable solution while ensuring a smooth
Contact Sbu Gule, Cummins Africa
Middle East, Phone 011 451-3433,,
Figure 4
energize | August 2022 | 65