Page 68 - Energize August 2022
P. 68

JANUARY                                            JULY
           Wind power: Turbines, towers, installations, substations,   Standby and temporary power systems: Generators,
           grid-connections, maintenance                      alternators, fixed and mobile, fuel types and storage,
           Smart grid: Distribution systems, digital control, lightning   monitoring, maintenance, security
           protection, minigrids, cable theft                 Power for critical applications: Professional UPS, energy
                                                              storage, fuel cells, systems for data centres and remote
                                                              telecom systems

           FEBRUARY                                           AUGUST
           Waste-to-power: Industrial waste, biomass, cogeneration,   Hybrid power systems: Grid-connected and off-grid systems,
           biogen                                             types and technologies, applications
           Energy for industry: Buildings, efficiency, heating and   Distribution equipment and cables: Transformers,
           cooling, water storage and recycling - industrial, commercial,   switchgear, minisubs, reticulation, cables, circuit breakers and
           mining                                             reclosers, security, cable theft, earthing

           MARCH                                              SEPTEMBER
           Solar power: Utility-scale, rooftop (industrial, commercial and   Power quality systems: Power quality monitoring and
           residential), installation, cleaning, maintenance  improvement devices and systems, power factor correction,
           Energy storage systems: Battery, mechanical, hydro, large and   harmonic filters
           small systems                                      Energy management and efficiency: Metering, energy
                                                              efficiency, energy saving techniques and devices, carbon tax,

           APRIL                                              OCTOBER
           Gas-to-power: Hydrogen, fuel cells, LNG, OCGT, CCGT,   Solar power: PV panel technologies, rooftop and ground-
           gas engines, gas turbines, installation, maintenance  mount applications, equipment, maintenance
           Transmission systems: AC and DC systems, Overhead   Cables and distribution equipment: Underground cables,
           powerlines, towers and pylons, underground cables,   protection systems, cable theft, earthing, lightning protection,
           maintenance, security, monitoring                  minisubs, metering

           MAY                                                NOVEMBER
           Energy for buildings: Green buildings, public buildings,   Large scale generation: Coal, nuclear, hydro, gas, diesel,
           commercial and industrial building and office parks, residential   HFO, etc., and related topics; overhead powerlines,
           estates, efficiency, lighting                      transformers, protection, security, maintenance
           Microgrid systems: Equipment, energy storage, rooftop   Motors, pumps and drives: Industrial, municipal,
           PV, cabling, power quality, switching, metering, monitoring,   agricultural applications
           security, maintenance

           JUNE                                               DECEMBER
           Lighting systems: Commercial, industrial, municipal, sports   Lighting systems: Commercial, industrial, municipal, sports
           stadia, theatres, architectural lighting, infrastructure lighting,   stadia, theatres, architectural lighting, infrastructure lighting,
           luminaires, technology                             luminaries, technology
           Switchgear: LV, MV, HV, equipment, substations, operator   Power for critical applications: Professional UPS, energy
           safety, transformers, reclosers, safety devices, insulation types,   storage, fuel cells, systems for data centres and remote
           earthing                                           telecom systems
          NOTE: Clients are invited to submit material for publishing in any given month, even if it falls outside the scope of the published
          features. Each submission will be considered according to its own merits, but the editor’s decision regarding inclusion will be final.
          DEADLINES: The deadline for advertisements, editorials, news, technical articles, and front cover stories is as per the table above.
          It is sometimes possible for deadlines to be extended. Should a client need more time, they are hereby invited to contact the editor
          to see if a late submission could be accepted.

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