Page 31 - Energize September 2022
P. 31


        OMRON acquires Science Based Targets

        Initiative Certification

          n May 2022, OMRON Corporation       OMRON Environmental Policy, which
          acquired a certification from the Science   include providing products and services
       IBased Targets initiative (SBTi)* for the   that contribute to decarbonisation,
        greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction   improving energy usage efficiency and
        targets set in its long-term vision, Shaping   expanding the use of renewable energy.
        the Future 2030 (SF2030). This certification
        recognises these GHG reduction targets   OMRON will endeavour toward
        as science-based targets to achieve the   decarbonization and a lower
        goal of limiting global warming to 1,5°C as   environmental impact throughout the
        advocated by the Paris Agreement.     entire value chain, to not only resolve
           OMRON identified key sustainability   the environmental challenges faced
        initiatives in the SF2030 Long-Term Vision   by customers and society as well as
        that began in April 2022, for the first time   contribute to a more sustainable society
        as part of its long-term vision. The SF2030   but also enhance corporate value.
        engages in the five key initiatives to realize
        the OMRON Group Vision. One key initiative   *The Science Based Targets initiative   Yoshihito Yamada
        strives to achieve decarbonization and lower   (SBTi) is an international initiative that
        environmental impact. Therein, OMRON   encourages science-based medium- to   Contact Omron Electronics,
        will work to fulfill its social responsibilities   long-term greenhouse gas reduction   Phone 011 579-2600,
        and further enhance its competitiveness,   targets. Click here to download SBTi’s,
        as a company recognizing the risks and   2021 progress report.  
        opportunities brought by climate change in
        accordance with the OMRON Environmental   The GHG emissions reduction targets OMRON set in the SF2030 are as follows:
        Policy.                                                                          Fiscal 2030 Target
           The GHG emissions reduction targets   Key Initiatives                         (Base Year: Fiscal 2016)
        certified by the SBTi are intended to   Direct GHG emissions from the company (Scopes 1 and 2)  65% reduction by fiscal 2030
        implement an initiative to reduce GHG
        emissions throughout the value chain under   GHG emissions from the use of products sold by the   18% reduction by fiscal 2030
        the SF2030, using measures outlined by the   company (Scope 3: Category 11)

             Contact us for all your advertising requirements!

                  Mark Yelland | Cell: 074 854-1597 | Email:

                Katia dos Santos | Cell: 076 410 6909 | Email:

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