Page 34 - Energize September 2022
P. 34

Power developments in Africa

        Compiled by Roger Lilley, Now Media

        Microgrids to displace diesel generators                               On the road to sustainable
        The American electricity provider Husk Power has launched the “Sunshot” initiative in Nigeria.
        Sunshot aims to connect 2-million people to the national electricity grid by 2026 through the   In a recently published report, “Preparing for
        deployment of 500 solar-powered microgrids. The programme will also provide clean electricity to   the Green Automotive Transition in Africa
        8000 businesses, 700 public clinics, 200 private hospitals and 100 public schools. According to Husk,   and the Middle East”, General Motors and
        this initiative is expected to help replace 25 000 diesel generators. This ambition may be possible   the Oxford Business Group demonstrate the
        since the company plans to have 22 green mini-grids up and running in Nigeria by December 2022.  importance of accelerating electric mobility
                                                                               in Africa. The continent is currently suffering
        Kenya to benefit from “clean”        Solar-powered sanitation          the effects of climate change. The report
        power                                system                            explores the role that electric vehicles could
                                                                               play in reducing CO 2 emissions from fossil-
        A power purchase agreement has been signed   Amea Power and GreenPower Morocco will   fuel powered vehicles. Traffic congestion in
        between state-owned Ethiopian Electric Power   build a 34 MW solar PV plant in Morocco’s   African cities produces dangerous levels of
        (EEP) and Kenya Power. The partnership,   Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region to   air pollution for about 1,4-billion Africans, or
        which comes into effect, aims to import clean   power the local water utility’s facilities.   18% of the world’s population, according to a
        electricity generated in Ethiopia to Kenya. An   The annual capacity of this solar park is   World Bank estimate.
        agreement between the heads of Ethiopian   estimated at 67 GWh per year, enough
        Electric Power (EEP) and Kenya Power assures   power to supply at least 8000 Moroccan   Extra power for COP27 host
        Kenyans of a maximum firm capacity of 200   households, but will be used exclusively   city
        MW for the first three years. Thereafter,   for powering sanitation services and the
        Kenya is to purchase up to 400 MW of firm   provision of drinking water. The solar power   Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh will receive a
        capacity from EEP. Kenya’s electricity demand   plant should enable Amea Power to reduce   new 280 kW solar power plant. Egyptian
        is estimated at 2,051 MW according to Kenya   its CO 2 emissions by 30 000 tons and its oil   authorities are currently preparing a call for
        Electricity Generating Company (KenGen).  emissions by 5000 tons per year.  tenders. The plant will be used to power the
                                                                                city’s museum which is very popular with
        EV infrastructure grows in West Africa                                  tourists. Sharm el-Sheikh is the host city of
                                                                                the United Nations Conference of the Parties
        The state-owned company Kenya Power has announced the installation of electric vehicle   (COP 27) on climate change to be held in
        charging stations throughout the country. The operation will begin in the capital Nairobi and   November 2022. The project adds to an
        Nakuru County where people are exposed to air pollution. The facilities, which will be operational   earlier project built by Schneider Electric,
        by 2023, will power 50 000 buses and 2-million motorcycles with electricity supplied by Kenya   which is already providing clean energy to
        Power. These stations will contribute to the growth of the EV market in Kenya (which is currently   2000 people while avoiding 3000 tonnes of
        affected by soaring fuel prices) since electric buses are cheaper to run than petrol or diesel ones.   CO 2 emissions.

        Fighting malaria with solar          Strengthening national            Ghanaian solar-powered water
        power                                electrification                   project

        About 3,5 million cases of malaria are   Sun Africa is to install solar energy   The Netherlands Development Organisation
        reported in Kenya each year. A new solar-  production systems in a dozen Nigerian   (SNV) is launching the construction of ten
        powered system called “MTego” will enable   locations which are poorly served by the   solar-powered water supply systems in the
        the East African country to more effectively   national electricity network. The project,   Upper West Region of Ghana as part of its
        combat the mosquitoes attracted by the   funded by a $1,5-billion loan from Exim   Healthy Future for All (HF4A) project. The
        drought. According to the World Health   Bank, comes at a time when 85-million   new solar-powered facilities will improve
        Organisation, malaria causes 627 000 deaths   people do not have access to electricity in   the drinking water supply for 2000 people.
        each year worldwide, 96% of which are in   Africa’s most populous country. Although   The future systems will be equipped with
        Africa. Faced with this situation, which is   Nigeria has the largest economy in   pumping, storage and distribution facilities
        exacerbated by the global warming affecting   Africa, it has an electricity access rate of   for potable water, powered by solar panels.
        Kenya, the Dutch start-up PreMal, based in   60%, with only 34% in rural areas. Other   With an estimated population of 31,7-million,
        Nairobi, is developing “MTego”, a mosquito   projects, including Bboxx, aim to electrify   more than 3-million people still lack access to
        trap which runs on solar energy and uses no   at least an additional 20-million rural   quality drinking water in Ghana, according to
        insecticides.                        Nigerians by 2030.                a 2018 report.

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