Page 22 - EngineerIt February 2021
P. 22


        Comtest takes measurement to

        another level with Fluke Connect

             he introduction of Fluke Connect  clamp meters, condition monitoring systems,  laser distance meter
             has added a new level of    Earth ground testers, multi-function installation  that calculates and
        Tefficiency and effective        testers and thermographic cameras, to  displays the distance
        collaboration for maintenance and  mention a few of the vast range of test and  from the designated
        troubleshooting teams across the  measuring equipment.                  target and
        spectrum of manufacturing,          Measurements obtained from these    immediately adjusts
        commercial, and retail facilities.   tools can then be viewed simultaneously at  the focus.
           Gerrit Barnard, a product specialist  the inspection site and from an off-site  Interchangeable
        at Comtest Distribution, says that  location, fostering collaborative and quicker  smart lenses require no
        technicians can monitor real-time  decision making.                     calibration and offer the versatility and image
        results from more than ten different  The Fluke Connect app enables routine  quality needed to conduct inspections in
        Fluke test tools from their smartphone  maintenance tasks to be carried out quickly  almost any environment.
        or computers. They can securely share  and efficiently. Equipment performance can be  Patented IR-Fusion™ technology allows
        that information in real-time with any  logged, tracked, and shared between users to  the user to overlay the thermal and visual
        authorised team member in another  ensure that the equipment is running at its  images, allowing for clearer visualisation of
        location. In addition, test results and  optimal level and any problems or potential  the problem.
        maintenance data can be collected  problems that arise can be solved quickly with  There are different forms of imaging in the
        through the Fluke Connect app and  the minimum amount of downtime. It also  industry such as sonic imaging, high-resolution
        stored in the secure Fluke cloud. That  allows data sets to be entered and compared  diagnostic video scopes and thermal imaging,
        means troubleshooting and        on devices, such as smartphones and iPads,  to name a few.
        maintenance staff can access that data  enabling users to access and visualise
        in the field and compare the new  information, identify trends, assign and report  Sonic imaging
        measurements to the baseline to  on work orders and make decisions      Sonic imaging enables maintenance teams to
        identify problems more quickly. The  immediately. Critically, Fluke Connect also  quickly and accurately locate pressurised air,
        result is that technicians can use Fluke  improves the safety and convenience of  steam, gas and vacuum leaks. This
        Connect to quickly identify and  electro-mechanical maintenance and     technology allows technicians to isolate
        diagnose problems, whilst securely  troubleshooting by enabling users to take live  sound frequency, filtering out the background
        sharing the related data when they  readings of energised circuits and operational  noise, allowing for plant inspections to occur
        want and with specific people.   mechanical equipment from a safe distance.  even in noisy environments. SoundSight
           The Fluke Connect’s software                                         technology quickly pinpoints the location of
        collects, stores, and makes the machine  Developments in imaging take the  leaks. A SoundMap image is applied to a
        data viewable using the raw data from  high road                        visible light image to quickly provide a fast
        the Fluke Connect enabled equipment.  Amongst Fluke’s range of test and measuring  visual context of the location.
        The categories of equipment that can  solutions, thermography has seen the most
        connect include: digital multi-meters,  extensive technological advancement,  High-resolution diagnostic
                                         expanding the possible uses for the cameras  videoscopes
                                         as new features are added.             Industrial inspections require a powerful
                                            Fluke Connect has expanded the      diagnostic videoscope designed for the
                                         application of thermography in several ways. It  dirtiest, most harsh environments. Fluke offers
                                         facilitates the monitoring or surveillance of an  two models to select from, which vary in
                                         installation, for up to three days, by taking  functions and features.
                                         frequent snapshots. These can be evaluated
                                         in real-time or after a set period.    Thermal imaging
                                            Barnard said that Comtest recognises that  The Ti480 PRO and the TiX580 facilitate editing
                                         there is not one approach for all — each  and analysis on camera — edit emissivity,
                                         industry, business and success measure is  enable colour alarms, and hot and cold
                                         unique. That is why Fluke cameras are  markers. This enables the user to have a real
                                         engineered for industrial professionals to safely,  view overlaid by the thermal image to assist in
                                         quickly and easily find, assess and identify  the location hotspot and problem area.  n
                                         mission-critical problems before they result in
                                         downtime, become costly or even disastrous.   For more technical details contact
        Gerrit Barnard
                                            LaserSharp Auto Focus uses a built-in  Gerrit Barnard 011 595 1831

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