Page 23 - EngineerIt February 2021
P. 23
In conversation with
Hannes Taute
By Hans van de Groenendaal
he components and electronics manufacturing industries in South Africa are
treated as the orphans of industry and do not get the support from government
Tthey deserve. For many imports, duties are charged, but completed products
imported with the same components come in duty-free. The Association of
Representatives for the Electronics Industry (AREI) has, for many years, canvassed for
better support for the industry and a more realistic approach to the way import duties
are imposed. The components and electronics manufacturing industries have great
potential. South Africa has the talent, it just needs the right attention from government to
turn it into a viable export industry. One of the biggest challenges facing
I recently caught up with Hannes Taute, MD of TRX Electronics, at their offices in the distributors today is logistics from
leafy suburb of Moreleta Park in Pretoria. Not so long ago, Hannes was MD of Avnet but around the world. Flights are limited and
after 24 years decided it was time for change. He joined TRX Electronics in October airlines are struggling to make money.
2020. “I saw interesting new opportunities with an independent components supplier The result is that there have been
who could serve the South African electronics manufacturing industry with a large range extended delays in shipping times,
of quality components”. resulting in distributors battling to meet
“Through our partnerships with TTI and Mouser, we believe we are the specialists - promised delivery dates. Freight rates
from design to production. Mouser supports the design process by stocking a huge have also increased and are sometimes
selection of semi-conductors and interconnect, passive and electro-mechanical being doubled by airlines. Freight gets
components from over 800 industry-leading manufacturers. Additionally, TTI is the leading prioritised according to who is prepared
authorised distributor with a broad inventory of interconnect, passive, electro-mechanical to pay the higher price.
and discrete components across multiple warehouses in Europe and North America”. “One thing that the pandemic has
“The fundamentals of promoting a supplier, assisting customers with design-in and taught the industry is that you do not only
the importance of fulfilling customer’s orders at the right price with on-time delivery, are have to think out of the box, but also
universal. Coming off the bench as a design technician and being involved in around it! One of our customers acted
procurement, I have a good understanding of what customers require and expect from a quickly when they realised that the
component distributor. My focus has been on meeting and exceeding customers’ needs demand for one of their product lines was
and requirements. Over the years I have built great relationships with customers and dwindling. It did not take them long to
suppliers alike. I believe that this is what the industry needs”. identify a new gap in the market and hit
Both TTI and Mouser are world renowned companies. Their extensive product lines on a product line that took off as people
and massive stock holding is a huge asset for TRX Electronics, enabling the company to started working from home. They actually
deliver quality components on time. “We have multiple shipments per week and believe had to employ additional people!”
we are the distributor of choice for industrial, military, aerospace and consumer
electronics manufacturers in South Africa.” But what now?
Hannes believes that some level of
Lockdown – a new perspective normality will eventually return. When this
Hannes said that he experienced the effects of the lockdown as much as everyone else. will happen is unknown. Companies need
Not meeting face to face with customers was a challenge, particularly in an industry to be carefully managed to ensure they
where face to face discussions are the order of the day. “However, we adjusted very can survive and remain viable through this
quickly to what now seems to be called the ‘new normal.’ I have always believed that one pandemic. Regardless of disruptions and
does not need to be at one’s desk from 8 to 5 to be successful. Some people work better crises, there are always opportunities.
in a flexitime environment and often are more productive when they can mix their work “It’s difficult to understand today what
and personal life to fit in with their lifestyle. For me it has always been a question of an exactly the ‘new normal’ will be.
employee’s output and not the hours tied to his or her office desk. The pandemic in many Companies that survive and excel in times
ways forced us all to change into flexitime mode, working from home and mixing of crisis carve out their own success!” n
business with the challenges that families and the working at home environment impose.”
There is no doubt that business and the economy in general have been affected by Hannes Taute can be contacted at
the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, component distribution being no different. TRX Electronics, 086 111 2844,
Component manufacture and supply have held up relatively well, all things considered.,
EngineerIT | February 2021 | 21