Page 3 - EngineerIt February 2021
P. 3


                                   There is no new normal!

                         s industry emerges from a chaotic     The new normal is a shifting target
                         and difficult 2020, it has no other   For some time now we have been talking about the new normal
                  Aoption but to begin a rebuilding            but there is no new normal - it should be a shifting target to
                  phase; however this rebuilding must go       keep in tune with the future. Maybe it refers to social distancing
                  beyond restoration. There is no point returning  and the wearing of masks. In business we cannot settle for a
                  to the old way of doing things. Due to changes  new normal because it indicates that we not exploring the
                  that no one would have wished for, and fuelled  future. What is high-tech today will be obsolete tomorrow, and
                  by the requirements of a digital society, the  tomorrow is much closer than we think.
                  technology industry will doubtless take on a    From where I sit as editor of EngineerIT, I like our policy of
                  new shape in the coming years. This is not like  open-mindedness, exploring the world of tomorrow and bringing
                  rebuilding to reclaim the past; this is rebuilding  our readers up to speed with new developments. Our aim is not
                  for the future.                              just to move with the times but to be one step ahead.
                     But as the digital society is building a new  Last month I wrote about our new website that will be as
                  future, there are many opportunities that are  fast as lightning, with stories that open at the click of the
                  being offered to the entire industrial landscape,  button. It is here, and has received some great comments.
                  and we in South Africa are not immune to this.  We also introduced EngineerIT as an e-book, e-zine or
                  Let’s be honest about it - digital transformation  electronic format, whatever label you would like to give it. For
                  is not something we have put at the top our list  readers who want to download a copy of the magazine, there
                  of priorities. Yes, we have talked and written  is still a PDF version available. To flip through the pages and
                  about it a lot, but there always seems to be  jet to the various hot URLs, the e-Book should be your choice.
                  have been something else that was               All these innovations are also offering you better, more
                  demanding more urgent attention. Just working  cost-effective advertising opportunities. If you have started
                  from home is a good example. So many         rebuilding your company for the future, to be successful you
                  company bosses were only happy with bums     need to be seen by your customers but more importantly, by
                  on seats in the office, rather than concerning  your future customers.
                  themselves with the contribution employees      So, there is no new normal, only staircases to the future.
                  make, and their output.                      Let us be part of that future. Enjoy the February edition and tell
                     It may be said that the pandemic and the  your friends about it.
                  long period of lockdown, wisely or              Stay safe but be proactive. Share your thoughts with me
                  excessively depending on which side of the   and our readers. I am only a phone call or email away.
                  fence you are on, forced us into digital
                  transformation. Reporting from companies     Best wishes
                  who took it seriously indicate that it has
                  placed them in better rebuilding position for  Hans van de Groenendaal
                  the future, for growth in 2021. In fact, some  Editor, EngineerIT
                  companies continued building their future    012 991 4662 or 082 781 4631
                  while in the lockdown.             

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