Page 11 - EngineerIt July 2021
P. 11


        Six steps to prevent valuable data from

        reaching the digital landfill

                         By Kevin Akaloo, National Head of Sales, Iron Mountain South Africa

              ver the past year, COVID-19 and the need to facilitate remote operations has
              forced businesses to fast-track their digital transformation initiatives. According to
       OIron Mountain research, pandemic induced investments in digital solutions have
        exploded, with 86% of data decision makers saying their deployment gave their organisation
        a competitive edge. Despite this, business data management practices reveal that many
        enterprises lack the ability to maximise the value of the vast quantities of data they generate.
           Currently, 200 exabytes of data are generated worldwide every day. That’s 1,1 Gigabytes
        per person per hour, while South Africans’ average traffic per capita per month has also
        increased from 6,5GB in 2016 to 18,6 GB in 2021. Enterprises account for 42,2% of that
        number, which is creating new challenges around data storage and management. Alongside   Leverage AI and machine learning to
        oceans of digital data, most organisations retain vast quantities of siloed physical data – on   enhance your use of data
        paper forms for example, and typically guarded under lock and key.  These obstacles need   Most organisations recognise the potential of
        to be overcome as organisations that make best use of their data to inform mission-critical   their data but struggle to unlock the power within
        decisions, have the potential to gain a greater competitive advantage.  either because they have too much unstructured
           To help customers transform their business and improve commercial performance,   and unclassified information, lack the internal
        Iron Mountain has developed ‘How to understand the value of your data’, a step-by-step   resources and skills to analyse it, or both.
        guidebook on how enterprises should assess, process and store data in order to best extract   Machine learning, a subset of AI, uses algorithms
        new value, build operational resilience and deliver business impact.   to scour information and identify patterns they
                                                                               aren’t purposefully programmed to find. They
               Below are six steps that when combined, can prevent valuable data   work with data sets that are too large for humans
                              ending up in a digital landfill:                 and can create structure where none exists. The
                                                                               software can scour data to apply proper retention
        Take a proactive stance towards data management                        strategies, as well as unearth new revenue
        With data volumes poised to mushroom and companies increasingly adopting multi-  streams and cost saving opportunities.
        cloud environments, it is vital they come to grips with data management — accounting
        for privacy, compliance and security issues, while ensuring data is accessible to the   Evade cyber threats
        business. This includes understanding different types of data, and where and how to   Establish best practices organisation-wide.
        store and migrate them.                                                Start by training employees to make the most of
                                                                               the data tools at their disposal and teach them
        Develop a robust data tiering system                                   how to use them safely. Continue by mandating
        To ‘tier’ data means classifying the information held by your organisation - based on its   automatic software updates to ensure your staff
        relative urgency, importance and lifecycle stage - and matching it with the most appropriate   and their hardware are always as safe as they
        storage solution: on premise, cloud or multi cloud. This exercise often yields a substantial   can be. Finally (and perhaps most importantly)
        ‘grey area’ - records you probably won’t need but prefer not to lose. Such materials are often   it is essential that organisations that choose
        more cheaply and sustainably stored offline.                           to outsource this vital part of their operation,
                                                                               delegate – rather than abdicate – that
        Invest in data lifecycle automation suite                              responsibility to safely and sustainably streamline
        Like any other manual process, manually archiving data is a labour-intensive process –   their data storage and management.
        particularly given how data grows exponentially over time. It is also prone to human error,
        such as being moved to the wrong storage tier or prematurely purged. An upfront investment   Managing data is vital for companies, but
        in data lifecycle automation software can save a substantial amount of money in the future,   it is also challenging for them to manage it
        in the form of labour costs and, potentially, in the avoidance of fines for compliance violations.  effectively internally, often leading them to
                                                                               engage services providers. The right vendor will
        Only pay for the storage space you actually need                       help shape a data management strategy that fits
        The pricing structure used by many vendors can make data storage costs both inefficient   across the entire data lifecycle, while ensuring
        and unpredictable. Many data management services require payment for ‘planned’ or   accessibility, security and cost effectiveness,
        ‘allocated’ capacity, which results in companies paying for storage space they don’t need. For   as well as creating practical strategies for
        maximum efficiencies, look for partners who can support you in streamlining this process,   maximising the value trapped in inefficiently
        and only charge you for the space you use, without additional fees to access or move data.  managed data.   n

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