Page 45 - EngineerIT January 2022
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n celebration of the 100th Ericsson-supported 5G network going live, the company percent express a degree of dissatisfaction
reflects on how they are pushing the limits of mobile network performance and service with the levels of innovation provided
Idevelopment, to lay the foundation for innovation and growth around our ever- with current 5G plans. 5G users want
changing world. more apps and services that bring extra
Over the next five years, our world will experience significant changes. Just think how value into their lives. A positive aspect
far we’ve come in the last five, with the development of highly efficient and powerful of high consumer expectations is the
batteries, the booming popularity of electric vehicles, the adoption of new digital ways strong demand for mobile services. The
of collaborating, and the overall digitalisation of society”, said Mats Arvedson, Business challenge is, of course, to deliver upon
Development Manager and Driver of 5G consumer propositions. “These technologies and these expectations, in a highly competitive
trends open new avenues of exploration and business. and dynamic landscape. The only way to
Looking specifically at the trends of 5G, we see an uptake that is moving faster than that remain relevant is to act, by starting to
of 4G, following its launch over 10 years ago. This is in part thanks to the rich availability of explore the new possibilities and services
5G-enabled devices. By the end of 2027, as detailed in our Ericsson Mobility Report from associated with 5G.
November 2021, we forecast 4,4 billion 5G subscriptions, accounting for almost half of all
mobile subscriptions in the world. 5G means (big) business
The 100th Ericsson-powered 5G network
5G brings capacity, performance, and efficiency now going live is an important milestone
Core traits of 5G are capacity, performance and efficiency – all of which boost business for the organisation and the teams
growth and lower overheads. Service providers are experiencing more than 50 percent responsible for pushing the limits of
yearly traffic growth in their mobile networks, and having an efficient and high-performing mobile network performance and service
delivery machine is essential to meet the growing demands. What’s more, 5G networks are development. This has been our business
delivering up to 20x higher speeds than 4G, ensuring the superior experience that users over the past 140 years and we have
expect out of the new technology. no plans to slow down any time soon.”’
While most early adopters are satisfied with the network performance of 5G, around 70 Arvedson said.
EngineerIT | January 2022 | 43