Page 19 - EngineerIT November 2022
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Vulnerability Remediation-as-a-
Service: a highly scalable
solution fit for large enterprises
through to SMEs
he launch of Vulnerability Remediation-as-a-Service (vRaaS) by cyber security
solutions provider 2TS combines the use of an international industry-leading
Tvulnerability management solution, together with unified endpoint management
technologies, to detect and remediate vulnerabilities within the IT environment. This
offering is available across the board for both large enterprises (LE) right through to small
and medium enterprises (SMEs).
2TS CEO Charl van Niekerk explains: “Two leading international technology vendors,
which are involved in vulnerability management and unified endpoint management
respectively, recognised that new vulnerabilities are discovered every month, but that
most organisations, both LE and SME, are not able to improve their vulnerability status.
At best, their security teams can keep the organisation’s vulnerability status at a stable
high. By working together and allowing each vendor to focus on their respective core
offering and strengths, they were able to significantly improve the time to remediation –
from months and weeks, down to weeks and days - using automation.”
Lift-off… a highly scalable solution is launched
Van Niekerk clarifies that the solutions offered by each vendor were previously mainly Charl van Niekerk
available to large enterprises. “We have recognised the need to offer the same level and
quality of vulnerability management and remediation to all enterprises, regardless of leading vulnerability management
size. and unified endpoint management
“2TS overcame implementation challenges through our localisation strategy and technologies, vulnerability data will
the introduction of our vRaaS solution, whereby we offer the solution-as-a-service. be transferred to BigFix through
The offering comes inclusive of all services in the form of managed services, automation.
whereby the customer - who lacks the skills and/or the interest to perform Cyber • The UEM’s Insight
the services in-house - outsources this requirement, while only paying for security requires vulnerability remediation
what they use.” speed - IT security (IVR) module compares
managers need to ‘find vulnerability data to
How does vRaaS work? the hole and plug it applicable patches and
Van Niekerk explained “It is well known that most vulnerabilities are fast’ - fixlets to remediate, as
related to patching; and the ongoing and routine tasks and activities of part of the routine and
operational teams are performed by endpoint management solutions. known required patches, and
“Vulnerability Remediation-as-a-Service (vRaaS) makes use of an international, in so doing, this remediates the
industry-leading vulnerability management solution, together with unified endpoint associated vulnerabilities.
management technologies, to detect and remediate vulnerabilities within the IT • The UEM portion of the vRaaS
environment. It combines the vulnerability scanning and remediation capabilities of the solution presents all data,
respective technologies within a single solution.” including the information from the
vulnerability management manager,
• Firstly, the vulnerability manager scans the entire environment to detect any known in a single dashboard - wherein lies
vulnerability in the CVE data base. With the out-of-box integration between industry the uniqueness of the vRaaS.
EngineerIT | November 2022 | 19