Page 18 - EngineerIT November 2022
P. 18


        meant that those with access to wheels   the skills to become an effective software developer.
        had a distinct competitive advantage   And so, if you have hundreds or thousands of people who can develop code and
        over those who didn’t.               come up with great ideas and innovative solutions, you have a tsunami of technology
           To explain how this would look    entering the African landscape.
        in business, consider the following    However, for the democratisation of opportunity to become a reality, three things
        example: Two bakers make equally     need to fall into place: widespread connectivity, affordable devices and investor-friendly
        high-quality loaves of bread. The second   regulations.
        baker has access to technology and     While I was privileged to have access to high-speed internet while studying, many
        automation that allows her to make the   young Africans don’t have access to affordable, reliable, fast connectivity. However, this
        loaves in half the time, at half the cost.   is changing. Necessity is the mother of invention and if one looks at the evolution of
        Her business’s advantage is clear.     connectivity costs, there is a clear exponential graph depicting increased speed and
        This is how businesses with                 affordability, and we are on a trajectory to a world where affordable internet is
        access to technology gain    If a foreign      ubiquitous.
        a competitive advantage   investor has a million    The World Bank estimates that reaching the African Union’s goal of
        in all spheres.       dollars to invest in a great   universal and affordable internet will increase the continent’s GDP by
           Software                                        two percentage points a year. Starlink will play a major role here and
        represents the next       technology seed,         will, in effect, blanket the earth - including Africa. When this happens
        level in efficiency. It   they’ll take it elsewhere   and connectivity is democratised, a population hungry to learn will
        helps us to calculate,   because if IP is developed   need devices through which to access an entire world of information.
        or move from A to      in South Africa, it has to   Access to devices is improving, with something like a chrome book
        B, far more efficiently      stay here.          offering users access to the internet at a fraction of the cost of a
        than would be possible                         traditional laptop, tablet or smartphone.
        using only human resources.                    In this world, then, you have a situation where opportunity is more widely
        Anyone who can provide this             available than at any point in Africa’s history. Millions of young people with affordable
        software-driven technology to industry   devices will be able to tap into a world of knowledge and learning resources. These young
        will have an advantage over other service   people would be empowered to solve problems with technology.
        providers, and more businesses will, in   Of course, funding is vital for start-ups. While a business can start and succeed
        turn, seek out these efficient technology   without seed capital, access to funds massively improves its chances as well as its ability
        solutions. In other words, we will   to scale and become a profitable force. Some African countries are more welcoming to
        witness a revolution in technology and   foreign capital, while South Africa is hamstrung by archaic regulation that, in effect, keeps
        efficiency, which is widely called digital   foreign tech investors off our shores.
        transformation or the 4IR!             If a foreign investor has a million dollars to invest in a great technology seed, they’ll
           By way of analogy, allow me to    take it elsewhere because if IP is developed in South Africa, it has to stay here. The effect
        explain how I, as founder and CEO    is that some entrepreneurs are looking to register their IP in other countries. The Start-
        of Parket, which is a software-driven   Up Act activism in South Africa looks to address this problem, because if this restriction
        solution that’s revolutionising parking   did not exist in the country, there would be a massive boost in the amount of funds local
        bay management, started my journey   start-ups would be able to raise to reach their potential.
        in IT and coding. I taught myself. How is   With improved access to connectivity, devices becoming more affordable and a
        this possible? There are treasure troves   progressive regulatory environment, Africa could well find itself at the leading edge of
        of online resources and courses available   tech innovation. This would catapult Africa into global competitiveness. Cynics may see
        to anyone who is looking for it. For   more problems than opportunities, but because this continent has the hallmarks of a
        the equivalent of about R250 every six   tech start-up, don’t be surprised to see it act like a start-up and grab hold of this golden
        months, you can quite literally learn all   opportunity to fast-track its development.                  n

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