Page 3 - EngineerIT December 2022
P. 3


                                  The past year wasn’t so bad

                                  but great times are ahead

                    022 was vastly more exciting than the past two   The three main themes are:
                    years. We celebrated the end of Covid regulations
               2and restrictions but more importantly, we can    SOFTWARE, DATA AND SERVICES
               celebrate a fair amount of return to business normality   EDITORIAL
               with many industries showing the first real growth since   Operational software for business, programming, big data,
               the pandemic.                                     consulting, XaaS, AI, cyber security.

               During the past few years, we learned many things, the   INFRASTRUCTURE AND NETWORKS
               most significant one being: do not procrastinate but   EDITORIAL
               rather innovate and take a few calculated risks. Why do I   Data centres, firewalls, networks, security (CCTV, biometrics,
               say this? It has become apparent that companies which   physical), hardware, associated software and services.
               started to innovate to overcome the restrictions were the
               first to show recovery.                           AUTOMATION, MEASUREMENT AND
               We saw how quickly many South African businesses   EDITORIAL
               transformed from ‘8 to 5 at your desk’ companies, to   Physical instruments, IoT, sensor technology, metrology, thermal
               introduce remote working, and ultimately found their   imaging, electronic design and manufacturing, components, PCB
               rhythm in a hybrid model. Sure, there were challenges;   design and manufacturing, robotics, 4IR, Industry 4.0, renewable
               as business transformed, so did the cyber underworld,   energy, energy storage. mechatronic engineers.
               looking at every possible opportunity to scam. By and
               large, the companies providing cyber security software   Every edition will be supported by a Facebook campaign to bring
               and systems also did not sit back. Now that the climate   new readers into our family of engineers, technologists and
               has settled a little, it is time for innovations and renewal.  entrepreneurs, who may not realise what they are missing out
                                                                 on. We will invite them to join our EngineerIT community.
               At EngineerIT, we have also been re-evaluating how we
               can deliver a better product for both our readers and   As we come to the end of 2023, I would like to thank all our
               advertisers. It has become quite clear that online will, for   advertisers and readers for their support. Make sure that you
               a long time to come, be the preferred delivery system, if   do not miss our first 2023 edition, online on 10 January. Our
               not permanently. It has the immediacy and the flexibility.   weekly newsletters will be around every Tuesday and Thursday
               We will deliver EngineerIT online in two versions, PDF and   throughout December and from January, every Monday and
               digital e-book.                                   Thursday.

               We have also realised that a large magazine once a   Wishing you a fantastic festive season and a happy and
               month is not the online ideal, and so from January   prosperous 2023.
               2023, EngineerIT will be published twice a month with
               fewer pages. We have three main themes that will   Greetings
               alternate every six weeks. We will still cover the latest
               news and link our news columns back to some of the   Hans van de Groenendaal
               major stories published in our twice-weekly newsletters.   Editor EngineerIT
               Some popular features, such as space science and new   Email:
               technology, will remain.                          Tel: 082 782 4631

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