Page 16 - EngineerIT February 2022 UPDATED
P. 16


        and width are 6 × (λ/2) = 2 meters and 2   the PA at average power levels 6 dB to   Implementation and value of the
        × (λ/2) = 0.33 meters, respectively. The   9 dB below its peak power capability.   DPD in mmWave arrays
        gain of the antenna for each polarisation,   Operating the PA in such deep back-off   In the AiB256, there are 256 transmit
        assuming 5 dBi gain per dipole element, is   regime results in very low efficiency,   and receive chains capable of generating
        approximately 10 × log(12) + 5 dBi = 15.8   often less than 10%.          two or four beams with 128 or 64 PAs
        dBi. If each PA puts out 40 W (46 dBm) of   Efficient PA architectures such as   deployed in each beam. Like sub-6 GHz
        RF power, the EIRP per polarisation is 46   Doherty maintain high efficiency across   systems, the EVM requirements for the
        dBm + 3 dB (2 columns) + 15.8 dBi = 64.8   6 to 9 dB below their peak power,   mmWave bands are 8% and 3.5% for
        dBm. This level of EIRP would be expected   but they are considerably less linear   64-QAM and 256-QAM modulations,
        to provide good coverage over distances   compared to class AB PAs. If deployed   respectively. However, the ACPR
        of several kilometres at 900 MHz.    without any linearisation technique,   requirements in mmWave are much less
           Now let’s consider the 28 GHz     they fail to meet the error vector   stringent than sub-6 GHz; they are 28
        AiB256 with 128 antenna elements per   magnitude (EVM) and adjacent channel   dBc for 28 GHz band and 26 dBc for 39
        polarisation, arranged in eight rows   power ratio (ACPR) required by the   GHz band in 3GPP standard 38.104.
        and 16 columns, as shown in Figure   application. One of the most popular   Each class AB PA in an ADMV4828
        1. Assuming λ/2 distance between     linearisation techniques is DPD, which is   beam former can deliver 21 dBm of peak
        the elements and 5 dBi gain per      widely used in sub-6 GHz systems.    power. Operating the PAs on ADMV4828
        element, the overall antenna gain is   Sub-6 GHz systems require the      at approximately 12 dBm rms output
        approximately calculated as 10 × log   EVM to be less than 8% and 3.5% for   power leaves 9 dB headroom to the
        (128) + 5 dBi = 26 dBi. Compared to the   64-QAM and 256-QAM modulations,   peak power and results in both the EVM
        900 MHz example, the antenna gain is   respectively, for 3GPP standard 38.104.   1  and ACPR requirements being achieved.
        10.2 dB higher. However, this comes at   To meet these EVM requirements, the   At 12 dBm (16 mW) output power, each
        the expense of narrower beam width.   PAPR of the signal should be maintained   transmit chain consumes around 300
        The 3 dB beam width is only 12° in the   between 6 dB to 9 dB. The ACPR should   mW of power, resulting in 5% efficiency.
        vertical plane and 6° in the horizontal   normally be less than –45 dBc for   Some of the power in the transmit
        plane. Such a narrow beam is not able   3GPP standard 38.104. In the previous   chain is consumed by the variable phase
        to cover a typical 120° sector all at   example of a 900 MHz 4Tx/4Rx radio   shifters that are necessary for beam
        once. The solution is to first find the   with 40 W of rms output power per   forming. Each receive path, including
        active UEs in the cell coverage area,   transmitter, if the power amplifiers   the variable phase shifters, consumes
        point the beam to them and track their   are to be operated in linear region to   around 125 mW of DC power.
        movement in the cell. The 5G standards   meet the EVM and ACPR requirements,   Based on the above power numbers,
        specify the beam acquisition and     their efficiency is normally less than   it is clear that the share of the PA power
        tracking procedures, which is outside   10%. This means each of the four   consumption in a mmWave radio relative
        the scope of this article. To calculate   PAs consume more than 400 W of DC   to the total DC power consumption
        the EIRP of this radio, let’s assume each   power to put out 40 W of RF power.   is much smaller compared to a sub-6
        transmit path puts out 13 dBm of RF   Therefore, just the four PAs alone   GHz radio. This raises the question of
        power. The total power per polarisation   consume more than 1600 W! This has   whether a mmWave radio could still
        is 13 dBm + 10 × log(128) = 34 dBm.   huge implications on the size, cooling,   benefit from the DPD or not?
        Combined with 26 dBi antenna gain, the   reliability and operating expenses   To answer this question, one needs
        total EIRP per polarisation is 34 dBm +   (OPEX) of the radio. In contrast, using   to propose a suitable DPD architecture
        26 dBi = 60 dBm. In a typical outdoor   a Doherty PA in combination with the   in mmWave. Simple extension of the
        deployment scenario, this level of EIRP   crest factor reduction (CFR) and DPD   DPD implementation form sub-6 GHz
        covers up to a few hundred meters at   techniques results in PA efficiencies   systems to mmWave, requires a DPD
        28 GHz.                              greater than 40%. This means that each   loop around every one of the PAs. In our
                                             PA consumes less than 100 W of DC    AiB256 example, that would mean 256
        Value of the DPD in sub-6 GHz        power to put out 40 W of RF power.   DPD loops! Obviously, implementing 256
        systems                              The four PAs in the radio consume    DPD loops is very expensive and power
        5G and 4G wireless standards are based   less than 400 W of DC power. The rest   hungry. Since each PA puts out a small
        on OFDM signals with an inherently   of the radio normally consumes less   amount of power (12 dBm typical), the
        high peak-to-average power ratio     than 50 W of DC power. Therefore,    overall system efficiency with DPD is
        (PAPR). To amplify and transmit these   the PA power consumption makes up   most likely less than a system without
        signals with high fidelity and to avoid   more than 85% of the total DC power   DPD.
        polluting the adjacent channels, care   consumed by the radio, even when    Fortunately, there is an elegant
        must be taken not to compress or clip   Doherty amplifiers with DPD and CFR   solution to this problem. AiB256 could
        the signal peaks. This requires operating   are deployed.                 put out a maximum of four beams using

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