Page 15 - EngineerIT June 2022
P. 15


        screen time. Also, given the pervasive   If you look back at any historic technology - from the typewriter to the iPhone, they
        messaging around personal data,      drastically and dramatically altered people’s behaviour and delivered clear and obvious
        consumers have serious reservations   benefits. The same is required for the metaverse now and the key to unlocking this is the
        when it comes to ownership of the    killer application - the Google to the internet or the internet to the iPhone.
        metaverse - who’s controlling it, who’s
        behind it, and what’s happening            The Holy Grail of convergence
        to everything I do in there   A thriving      That’s what makes this particular period so alluring. The holy grail that is
        which, by the way, is all    metaverse is      being sought is convergence - when the hardware meets with the platform
        being tracked, recorded   reliant on consumers   and applications, all combining to improve lives. That’s the point at which
        and possibly shared.                            the world will jump in and those companies that made the early play can
           As a result, we’re    buying into the hype.   bask in the glory of their vision. It goes without saying that there needs to
        seeing a real disconnect   And that’s a long   be a monetization model for all this although companies tend to find ways
        between the rate at which      way off.       of making money. If several years ago you’d have said you were setting up
        consumers are embracing the                 a site where people can comment up to a 140-character limit you would have
        metaverse compared to business.          been met with total indifference. Now Twitter is the subject of a $43.4bn hostile
        The key question is, ‘what is required to   takeover bid.
        bring the two closer together?’        But despite the prevalence of technologies like AR and VR that are providing a
                                             window to this future, we’re still a long way from that moment. Not least because the
        The killer application               types of connectivity that will be required to deliver on the potential of the metaverse
        That’s not to undervalue where the   will require 6G technologies. Even considering the speed of change in the last decade,
        metaverse is to date. For applications   this is still a long way in the future.
        like gaming or eSports, where it is
        almost tailormade to fit, it is having an   FOMO or JOMO (Joy of Missing Out)
        enormous impact. Supersocial raised   There is no doubt that elements of technologists, businesses and consumers alike can
        $5.2 million to make Games on the    all see some potential in the metaverse. But right now, it’s opaque with more questions
        Roblox platform and in 2019 10.7 million   than answers.
        users participated in Fortnite concerts   Above all else, the last couple of years have reminded us that people still need
        online. But away from gaming, for all   people. We don’t want to be tucked away connecting virtually but rather together, with
        the limitless potential the metaverse   a personal and human touch that the metaverse simply cannot offer. It means that, for
        has, none of it will be realised until it   the time being at least, while we’ll continue to see businesses jump in through FOMO,
        can justifiably claim to improve human   consumers will remain content to be on the outside looking at the metaverse through
        endeavour.                           the lens on JOMO (joy of missing out).                             n

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