Page 32 - EngineerIT July 2022
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Cobots, perhaps combined with reduced inventories, space optimisation and just-in-time procurement. At the same time,
mobile robots, can remedy this situation waste can be minimised and safety strengthened. Pallets are no longer needed along
by assisting with material feeding. Such the line and waiting times are eliminated. Added to this is the traceability and control of
collaborative robotic solutions can stock, while the movement of small-batch inventory (WIP) is automated.
improve throughput while allowing OMRON robot solutions are based on traditional stationary robots, collaborative
employees to focus on value-added robots (cobots), autonomous mobile robots (AMR), or the MoMa (mobile manipulator).
tasks. The cobot picks up packaging For the AMRs, OMRON fleet simulator additionally offers the industry’s first mobile robot
materials from one position and places simulator for factory and manufacturing applications. It plans traffic and workflows for
them directly onto the conveyor fleets of autonomous mobile robots, allowing users to identify potential bottlenecks early
belt or into the packaging machine. and optimise workflows without having to deploy a real robot at all.
Consumables no longer need to be
unloaded manually. Challenge 4: Unpacking and distributing goods
Examples include selective Distribution centres (DC) or repacking sites must deal with other challenges, including
compliance assembly robot arms depalletising and unpacking cartons, transporting goods to be repacked, and also
(SCARA) tasked with loading bottles disposing of waste. In addition, there is a steady increase in SKUs and a shortage of
or other containers, or high-speed skilled labour, which further complicates the tasks. Fully or semi-automated handling
parallel robot solutions used to align and robotic transport can save a lot of effort here. For example, robots can be used to
and position items. Such automated unload pallets. Incoming goods are inspected and the cartons are then loaded either
consumable supply reduces cost and onto a conveyor belt or onto autonomous mobile robots (AMR), which then transport
effort but also improves production them further.
consistency and output. Employees are AMRs can operate as part of a fleet that drives autonomously and executes orders
freed from mindless, repetitive tasks based on a picking system. The AMR can identify obstacles, avoid them, determine the
and, in addition, packaging and product optimal path, and adjust it if the environment changes. At the same time, cobots can also
combinations can be better controlled open boxes through automated cutting processes. Here, the size of each incoming box is
through traceability. first determined to automatically find the programmed cutting lines. Cartons can be fed in
a predetermined size sequence or mixed order. Packaging lines become more flexible and
Challenge 3: Intralogistics and efficient by using such solutions. Traceability and safety also benefit.
intermediate storage
Basic processes, such as the production Challenge 5: End-of-line palletising
flow in a factory, are already highly Palletising is not a suitable task for human workers. It is repetitive and high cycle, thus
automated. Secondary processes exposing workers to muscle aches and injuries. Workers can make mistakes such as
such as the supply of consumables mixing with wrong products or mispositions and missing boxes inside the pallet. To
or the disposal of waste, are often address this, the market is increasingly demanding palletising solutions that are easy and
not yet automated. Employees quick to install and configure, without the need for complicated robot programming.
often still carry or push around the Innovative EOL palletising solutions provide support here. Cobots significantly simplify
materials - a manual activity which palletising. Palletising with collaborative robots helps users quickly set up their palletising
hinders efficiency and can lead to specifications. Compared to industrial robots, such a solution requires 50% less floor
errors. Aspects such as temporary space. A safety fence or cage is not required, and operators can safely work side-by-side
storage or occupied production space with the robot, enabling continuous operation. Operators can easily remove an entire
involve significant, often hidden costs pallet without stopping the cobot.
for production managers. Innovative
robotic solutions can help here to In conclusion
optimise the throughput and availability Modern automation and robotics solutions help make co-packing and packaging
of required goods. Material transport operations fit for the factory of the future by enabling a perfect balance between
and shipments can be handled by productivity and ease of use. Solutions are available that are scalable both upward and
autonomous mobile robots. downward to handle swinging demands from the supply chain and reduce the total cost,
The advantages of automated by reducing topics such as floor space required or intermediate stock. n
material transport are obvious:
automatic replenishment ensures For more information visit Omron Industrial at
EngineerIT | July 2022 | 30