Page 27 - EngineerIT July 2022
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3. Data-driven decision-making have the potential to exponentially
Data formed a very important part of the decision-making process throughout all the grow their economies and combat
businesses. While some leading manufacturers in SA use analytics to their advantage, various resource-related challenges,
most manufacturers are still in the early stages of adoption and have great potential and the institutionalisation of I4.0
to further increase their state of analytics readiness. would contribute to the sustainability
of developing countries specifically
4. Degree of 4IR implementation within manufacturing industries, as the
Despite low investment in the 4IR, we found that the majority of the participating economy is heavily affected by a lack of
manufacturers were aware of, and have implemented, 4IR technologies in some form. proper sustainability measures.”
The top three 4IR technologies that were implemented were condition monitoring
(48%), followed by connectivity or industrial Internet of Things (39%) and robotic PwC has found that the main purpose
processing automation (29%). of 4IR adoption is to increase the
capability and diversification of the
5. A 4IR workforce manufacturing industry by consolidating
While new technologies can create new jobs, they can also nullify and replace labour-intensive and manual tasks. For
existing jobs, creating a newfound need to upskill and re-skill employees to ensure the financial benefits to translate to
they remain relevant in the workplace. Manufacturers say they are eager to industry, the South African workforce
upskill employees to complete more fulfilling tasks while being open to the idea of must be adequately prepared and
automation and digitisation, paving the way in terms of repetitive and laborious tasks. open to partnerships to enhance
digital transformation. This way, the
6. Challenges of implementation manufacturing industry, which is
Twenty-three percent of participants identified uncertain return on investment as a currently following the lead of global
barrier to integrating digital innovation, while 15% saw resistance of worker councils sectors to make decisions on what
or labour unions as a challenge. Thirteen percent of participants said their workforce would work best when implementing
lacks the skills needed to implement and manage digital solutions. 4IR, can start to transition themselves
as innovators and work towards
Maharaj says: “South Africa’s manufacturing sector must embrace and adapt to the creating sustained outcomes for their
uncertainty of I4.0 to fully harness its potential. Developing countries such as ours organisations and the economy. n
EM launches 2022/23 Catalogue
lectromechanica, the electrical The catalogue includes a range of
systems and components supplier new products, as well as the full range
E, has launched the latest edition of new generations of existing products.
(20 ) of the biannual product catalogue. New products include the gateway
The company offers over 12000 product device from Polar monitoring, a device
lines from more than 50 worldwide used for remote monitoring applications
manufacturers that are market leaders in and gathering of information from field
their respective fields. devices, and the DG metering range
The product line ranges from motor from Lovato for the control of energy
controls and drives to connectors, and distribution systems. New control systems
includes products in the fields of power include soft starters from ADXN, Delta
distribution and protection, automation, compact AC drives that are vector control are Fask series rogowski coils, Socomec
energy efficiency, control and signalling, capable and support both induction static transfer systems, Hager MCCBs that
metering, power quality, communication, motors and PM motors, Delta MV drives offer integrated energy monitoring, GLS
timers and control relays, field switching and that are suitable for both variable torque safety rope switches, and a new range of
sensing, electrical enclosures and climate and constant torque loads, ElecnovA Lovato metal pushbuttons. n
control, safety solutions, termination and motor protection and control systems
wiring systems, plugs and sockets, as well as that offer predictive analysis that The online version of the 2022 /23
tools for use in the electrical installation and anticipates potential faults, and DTM catalogue is available on
maintenance field. temperature controllers. Other new items
EngineerIT | July 2022 | 25