Page 16 - EngineerIT September 2022
P. 16


           Data centres, social media companies, connected device
        manufacturers, cloud service providers and search engine giants
        strive to achieve challenging sustainability goals. The five major
        U.S. tech companies, affectionally known as FAANG, run hyper-
        scale data centres – super-efficient information factories, each
        with up to 2,5 million servers. For almost a decade, they’ve been
        streamlining computing processes, switching to renewables,
        and investigating better ways to cool their facilities. These data
        juggernauts self-imposed a special responsibility to minimise
        their usage of the planet’s resources.

        Minimising the cost of power                           and small modules to provide them with new pathways toward
        With the advent of 5G and the requirement for high data rate   smaller and lighter 5G radios. ADI offers tailored solutions to
        systems, the processing power of data centres is growing   fit customer requirements while considering four vectors of
        through the roof. Power can make up more than half of a typical   intelligent power management, to achieve aggressive power-
        data centre’s costs, with 30% to 40% of that figure attributed to   saving goals.
        building cooling systems. It makes sound financial and business   Size matters equally in a sprawling data centre and on the top
        sense to reduce power consumption when the bill for electric   of a 5G radio mast. Smaller electronics circuits using less metal,
        power and cooling the systems continues to be a significant part   plastic and other resources help technology leaders attain their
        of the operational expense.                            sustainability targets.
           Inefficient power systems produce heat. Therefore, a more
        efficient power system will require less energy to operate, less   Smaller power circuits
        space to devote to cooling systems, and less money devoted   Server system form factors are standard throughout the industry.
        to fans, heat sinks and other forms of thermal management.   Increasing ASIC throughput performance requires significant
        Reducing a data centre’s power consumption helps the   increases in power. Given unchanging size constraints, can
        communications businesses to operate more effectively and   engineers increase throughput capacity (the processing of
        sustainably. ADI’s technology can help make FAANG servers more   information)?
        efficient and use less power.                             The answer: ADI engineering makes this possible by providing
                                                               the highest power density solutions in the industry – adding
        The four vectors of intelligent power management       value with advanced integration and proprietary magnetics,
        Communications companies powering extremely high current   delivering more power at greater efficiency and in less space.
        devices no longer rely on reaching power-saving targets with   Essentially, through ADI innovation, more computing capacity
        off-the-shelf components. They leverage breakthrough materials   can be packed into the same volume.

        Innovations in power follow four vectors.

                                                 EngineerIT | September 2022 | 14
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