Page 22 - EngineerIT September 2022
P. 22


                  Define and tackle your edge

                     By Tony Bartlett director Data Centre Compute Solutions at Dell Technologies South Africa

              n ambulance speeds down        organisations may wish to build remote
              the highway to take a critically   clinics to serve customers in rural areas.
        Aill patient to the hospital.        This requires the ability to process
        Employees in a crowded retail store   data close to the source to provide
        help shoppers find just the right gift.   clinicians with near real-time patient
        An airplane cruises at more than 800   information while also complying with
        km per hour and higher than 9000     healthcare guidelines. Edge computing
        metres in the sky. A factory produces   for healthcare could include analytics
        equipment.                           systems capable of processing data
           What do these scenarios have in   from patient monitoring systems or
        common? You may be thinking, “they   solutions that consolidate, and transfer
        have nothing in common.” However,    insights used for population health
        these scenarios each represent an    tracking. These solutions deployed
        important place where valuable       at remote locations with limited IT
        data is created and acted upon. This   staff need to be compact and simple
        data, harnessed the right way, can   to deploy and operate, with intrinsic   Tony Bartlett
        create immediate, essential value and   security, advanced automation and
        positively impact not only business   remote management capabilities.
        outcomes, but critical health and safety   Manufacturers can deploy sensors   helping customers more quickly. With
        outcomes, too. We call these places   and video cameras to monitor the    edge computing in a retail location,
        where data can be acted upon near the   overall effectiveness of equipment   combined with AI, retailers can track
        point of creation the “edge.”        on the factory floor and the quality   what inventory is paid for or ensure
                                             of products coming off the assembly   employees are in the part of the store
        What is the edge?                    line. Edge computing takes the various   where they are needed most.
        The edge is everywhere and                sources of data and analyses      These edge scenarios are so
        can be hard to define. As                       them to look at general   different in design and outcome that
        you can see from the       Edge computing          trends. Data insights   lumping them under the common
        examples above,        scenarios are so different   can be used to        term “edge” seems like a misnomer.
        your edge could       in design and outcome that     improve output       The IT infrastructure footprint,
        be just down the   lumping them under the common     quality and          network, input sources, security,
        hall from your         term “edge” seems like a      speed the system     data storage, data protection, and
        data centre or flying        misnomer               to make it as         architectural considerations all will
        around the world on a                             efficient as possible. A   be driven by several factors. These
        jumbo jet. Most definitions                   manufacturer could try to   include the characteristics of the data
        of edge computing agree that it refers   transport their data to a data centre,   that must be analysed at the edge,
        to moving compute power closer to    but it would require massive amounts   how fast insights must be derived to
        data sources, although the specifics can   of time. With an edge strategy, the   align to the desired business outcome
        vary widely.                         data is analysed on the factory floor,   and what portion of that data or
           No matter what you call it or where   providing the manufacturer better   metadata will need to be sent back to
        you put it, the right approach to edge   data insights and accuracy so they can   a centralised environment.
        computing is specific to your industry   make faster decisions and improve
        and to your organisation. When the   efficiencies.                        How to tackle your edge
        right edge computing strategy is put in   A retailer may aim to provide better   The process of implementing and
        place, it can transform your business   shopping experiences by tracking how   operating edge computing isn’t always
        operations and outcomes.             products are moved throughout a store   straightforward either. Edge initiatives
           For example, healthcare           to manage inventory and supply, or   often have unclear objectives, involve

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