Page 3 - EngineerIT September 2022
P. 3


                                  There will never be a

                                  “New Normal”

                          ver the past year there was much conversation   As all Covid restrictions were recently removed,
                          about the “New Normal”. I too have written    there was an outcry of joy that we could all go
                 Oabout it and shared my views what the “New            back to the office, attend functions, launches and
                  Normal” would look like.  But how wrong have we all   seminars, only to find that a new bug had hit us,

                  not been? There will never be a “normal”. The world   the petrol price and cost of travel.  We soon dealt
                  has moved into a time warp, a period where nothing is   with this, the hybrid events. Yes, it was a challenge
                  the same and where everything is subject to change at a   but technology had developed enough to make it
                  moment’s notice.                                      work. So now I can choose to travel to an event or
                                                                        attend it virtually.
                  It is however not all negative. The new situation we
                  find the world in has it upturns. It has taught us not to   I must admit that we still have a lot to learn
                  sit back and just let things happen.  The dream of the   about video meetings, hybrid meetings and
                  Europeans that cheap energy supplies would last for   even in-person events. The main issue remains

                  ever was smashed by one man. The lesson is clear, do   around how to present the message, how to
                  not take everything for granted. We must be agile in   engage the audience meaningfully and how to
                  our thinking and continue to explore how can we do it   physically involve participants even if they sit in
                  better tomorrow.                                      front the screen. I have often heard people say:
                                                                        this was a great presentation and he was such
                   The Covid-19 pandemic was a wake-up call.  We        an entertaining speaker. So, what did he say …
                  started thinking, not only outside the box, but also   eeh, he said we should think more about digital
                  around it. What was the most amazing for me was       transformation and stuff like that!
                  how quickly we took to online video meetings within
                  weeks of being locked down, when for the past decade   So the new hybrid era has arrived, challenging us
                  companies had been trying to sell video conferencing   every kilometre of the way.  Can we call it the era

                  with very limited uptake.                             of hybridism, giving a new meaning to the word?
                                                                        Or should we call it the “New Hybrid World”.
                  For years companies were urged to allow working from
                  home for categories of occupations where it would be   Enjoy this edition of EngineerIT, on line as a PDF or
                  feasible. Bosses resisted it, they wanted bums on seats so   as a flipbook!
                  they could see that employees were “working”!  I trust
                  that those bosses have learned that it is about output   Greetings from the new hybrid world!
                  and not whether you are sitting at your desk or not. But
                  for some the penny has not yet dropped as they install   Hans van de Groenendaal

                  every possible bit of software to monitor all keystrokes
                  employees make, just to ensure they are “working”!    082 781 4631

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