Page 16 - Issue 1 2023
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networks. We expect even broader That means, we also need more infrastructure optimized for these highly
adoption of virtualization, software demanding workloads. Advanced servers and storage to power AI are doing that work
defined architectures, open systems for customers today, but in 2023, there will be an even broader range of acceleration
and open interfaces with early chips entering the market and a correlating increase in
adoption of concepts like Open RAN. performance and efficiency.
While Dell is directly working in We also need to make it simpler to
telecom to make this happen, share data between clouds so that
indirectly every enterprise’s training and inferencing activity
digital transformation can be distributed. In fact, it is
should benefit from estimated that by 2025, 88%
increased openness and of servers for AI workloads
faster innovation in our deployed at the edge will be
communication systems. used for inferencing and the
In 2023, we distribution of not just data,
expect accelerating but also the AI/ML processing
innovation to focus of that data is already
on making the entire underway.
technology ecosystem Organizations that ride the
work as a platform for second wave of AI will see a
your digital transformation. distinct competitive advantage as
We also expect organizations AI becomes able to better perceive,
to lean into technology that gives learn and reason – and give developers
them flexibility and open access to and data scientists more freedom to deliver
innovation, and to partners who applications and outcomes. Organizations can
can coordinate the sprawl into an enhance productivity and efficiency, lower power
automated working system. requirements, and accelerate multicloud and edge strategies. As the industry matures,
And there’s good reason – no AI will also become more democratized as open-source AI becomes prevalent and
single solution, platform or provider accessible to larger communities.
will deliver on the full promise of
technology. That means that the Momentum will accelerate for Zero Trust architectures
proverbial “walled gardens” of The digital transformation of the global economy is significantly increasing the number
“closed” ecosystems will crumble. of potential attack surfaces. The lack of a true perimeter puts organizations at greater
risk to their data, their supply chain and anywhere along that continuum. Today,
AI will reach an inflection ransomware attacks are the #1 threat for most organizations, occurring every 11
point seconds and costing $13 million per occurrence.
We’ve been talking about the promise With so many of our customers globally transforming their security strategies, many
of AI for years. 2023 is a year that are looking at Zero Trust architectures to better secure their environments. The three
we expect acceleration of real-world main tenets of Zero Trust aren’t that challenging: universal continuous authentication
use of AI and machine learning. We of everything; robust authoritative policy driven behaviour; and deeply integrated
have the tools and software systems. threat management.
We have accumulated significant The real challenge is the current state of the industry, and technology makes the
data sets. We also have invested in design and integration of Zero Trust too complex for most customers. Our job is to ease
training across almost every industry that burden and simplify the process. This includes assessing an organization’s current
so our teams can graduate from state and delivering actionable insights to mature their cybersecurity programs and
experimentation to real world AI align to Zero Trust. Through the continued development of roadmaps, best practices
projects. and standardization, we can make adoption much quicker and easier. Ultimately, Zero
At Dell, we have been on this Trust will become the foundation for a new level of data security and trust in a highly
journey and today have around 1000 distributed multi-cloud world where everything is connected.
projects, products, or efforts focused
on using AI to advance our business. This shortlist is at the top of my mind for the next year, but if there’s one thing 2022
We are seeing our customers following taught us, it’s how hard it is to predict the future. No doubt, 2023 will be full of
a similar path, and in 2023, we’ll begin unknowns and surprises. But as a tech optimist, I am confident that innovation will
to see more real impacts of AI/ML. drive amazing progress. And I’m excited for what lies ahead.
EngineerIT | Issue 1 2023 | 16