Page 42 - Education February 2024
P. 42


       BRESCIA BEARS                                                            inviting atmosphere, promoting well-
                                                                                being, creativity, and a natural
                                                                                curiosity as the catalyst for
       EMBARKING ON A JOURNEY                                                   investigation. At Brescia Bears, we
                                                                                acknowledge the interconnected
                                                                                nature of childhood growth and
                                                                                development and have created spaces
                                                                                which invite activities to support
               fter months of preparation                                       holistic development. The garden,
        A      House School opened its                                          designed for exploration and
               and careful planning, Brescia
                                                                                cultivation, serves as an outdoor
               doors to Brescia Bears in
                                                                                classroom offering a hands-on
               January 2024.
                                                                                experience with nature, aligning with
        Welcoming boys and girls aged 3 to 5                                    values of stewardship and reverence
        years, Brescia Bears is more than just                                  for creation. Sandpits, balancing paths,
        an early learning centre; it is an                                      swings, a climbing deck with slides,
        immersive experience inspired by the                                    mud paths, bike tracks, building
        Reggio Emilia philosophy and the   Open rooms, flooded with natural light, create  rockeries, climbing walls, an outdoor
        ethos and values of an Ursuline    an inviting atmosphere.              kitchen and a play hut are all designed
        school.                                                                 to encourage all aspects of physical
                                           At Brescia Bears, there is respect for  and emotional development through
        At Brescia Bears we cherish the    children as individuals with their own  play. The interactive kitchen space
        uniqueness of each child, and we   strengths, and potential. We encourage  offers the joy of culinary exploration.
        recognise and nurture the diverse  collaboration and communication,     The parent lounge and coffee shop
        ways children learn, explore, and  nurturing social skills as children work  provide welcoming spaces for parents
        express themselves. In the Ursuline  together and share ideas on long-term  to connect, share experiences, and
        tradition, we are dedicated to     projects inspired by their interests, and  enjoy a moment of relaxation,
        fostering an environment where love,  designed to encourage critical thinking,  embodying our values of family and
        respect, and community thrive. Our  problem-solving, and research skills.  community care. We look forward to a
        approach aligns seamlessly with the  Our emergent curriculum of         wonderful foundation year at Brescia
        Reggio Emilia philosophy, creating  intentionally designed learning     Bears, where the spirit of inquiry finds
        spaces where ideas are shared, critical  experiences is based on the    expression in every nook designed for
        thinking is supported, and listening,  observations of children's interests and  exploration and connection.
        dialogue, and questioning become   needs. Our teachers document and
        collaborative tools for relationship-  capture learning experiences through  Satisfy your curiosity; come and visit;
        building and problem-solving in    various media making children's      immerse yourself in our creative and
        diverse situations. We champion    learning visible to parents. We value  purposefully designed teaching and
        child-centred learning where children  strong partnerships between parents  learning environment. We look forward
        are seen as active and capable     and teachers and active parent       to sharing our space with you! Contact
        learners, whose interests, curiosity,  involvement is fostered. An aesthetic to request
        and unique perspectives guide their  learning environment is considered the  an invitation to visit.
        educational experiences.           ‘third teacher’ and our open rooms,
                                           flooded with natural light, create an   Contributors: Robyn Jakins and Deborah
                                                                                Zambon - Brescia House School

                                                                                Grade 000 - 12

                                                                                 Left: The garden, designed for exploration and
                                                                                 cultivation, serves as an outdoor classroom
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