Page 47 - Education February 2024
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has consistently upheld its dedication The course has been specifically designed
to delivering education that remains to instil students with informed historical
pertinent in the ever-changing world. knowledge, a solid grasp of politics,
This is, therefore, an ideal time to expand philosophy, and economics, and a
our offering. We work closely with critical awareness of societal influences.
stakeholders in the world of work who are Graduates in the BA in Arts programme
commanding graduates with social sciences will be equipped with ethical leadership
qualifications. So, the introduction of our skills, enabling them to mobilise
School of Arts and Humanities resonates communities and combat abuse and
deeply with our commitment to providing injustice.
educational solutions that cater to this
growing demand,” remarks Dr. Paruk. The centrally located campus, close to
the Mall of Africa, allows students access
Since its establishment in 2018, the campus to contact learning lectures and distance
has witnessed a continuous increase in learning support which ensure greater
its student base, with nearly 100% of accessibility across Midrand and the Dr Farhana Paruk
graduates successfully employed. northern suburbs of Johannesburg. The
state-of-the-art learning facilities provide “Growing up, I faced several challenges,
STADIO’s Waterfall Campus began with engaging student activities, while lecture with both my parents not completing
its School of Education, which offers rooms have hi-tech equipment to allow matric, and traditional norms restricting
qualifications tailored to produce high- classes to be live streamed to other girls’ education in my community. Despite
performance teachers for South African campuses or to students who cannot be these hurdles, I persevered, earning two
schools. The School of Law was launched physically present. master’s degrees and a PhD as well as
five years later, providing students with securing a scholarship to study at Harvard
another three distinctive qualifications, A-head of the class University. This journey has fuelled
including a higher certificate in paralegal Dr Paruk has over 15-years of experience my commitment to providing similar
studies. Despite a challenging economy, working in the private, banking, opportunities for young people, aiming to
graduates from both these schools government, academic, education, empower them through higher education,”
remain highly sought after and continue and NGO sectors, and has previously she adds.
to seamlessly absorb into not just the been a Council Member on the Board
South African labour market, but also of the Cape Chamber of Commerce With a brand-new school and under the
internationally, with several past students and Industry and a member of the expert leadership of Dr. Paruk, STADIO
securing permanent positions in places like International Trade and Tourism Portfolio Waterfall remains dedicated to being a
Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Committee. student-centric tertiary institute and is
anticipating exciting growth and expansion
in the coming year.
Now, with the addition of the School of Arts Reflecting on her journey Dr. Paruk
and Humanities, STADIO Waterfall debuts highlights the important role of
a pioneering three-year Bachelor of Arts education in breaking the cycle of For more information about
(BA) programme via contact learning with poverty and creating opportunities for STADIO Waterfall and its
the option for students to major in either everyone, regardless of their background academic offerings,
Philosophy or Politics and Government. or gender. visit
STADIO Higher Education is managed by STADIO Holdings Group,
a the JSE-listed company, established with a vision to empower
the nation by widening access to higher education. STADIO Group
is one of the largest higher education providers in the country,
providing quality tertiary qualifications to approximately 46 000
students through more than 90 accredited programmes.
With a clear focus on student-centricity and the ever-changing
world of work, STADIO’s programmes are aligned with industry
requirements to prepare its students for success.
STADIO offers qualifications ranging from higher certificates to
master’s degrees and doctorates, across seven faculties. Students
can choose between flexible distance and online learning options
or enjoy an immersive on-campus experience at one of nine
campuses around the country.
For more info, visit | LinkedIn, Facebook and
Instagram: @StadioHigherEducation
Education | February 2024 | 45