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An Adventure Through the Eyes of an
11-Year-Old Wordsmith
n the world of travel writing, a young scribe is making waves, and myself soaking up the sun in the serene haven of Haga Haga, a
his name is William Downes. At the tender age of 11, Will is not remote beach town just an hour north of East London.
Iyour average student – he’s a wordsmith in the making, and boy,
does he have a tale to tell. Let’s dive into the cool stuff. About three years ago, my mates
Liam and Nathan, alongside their folks Gill and James, opened my
Will’s journey into the world of words is nothing short of eyes to the wonders of this place. Picture a beachfront hotel, then
extraordinary. At 11, most kids are still figuring out multiplication saunter down about 10 houses, and you hit the “country club” –
tables, but not Will. He’s too busy crafting narratives that defy his more of a bar with a tennis court, though. Take a few more steps
years. The magic happens when he puts pen to paper, or rather, down the stairs from the club, and voila, you’ve arrived at the
fingers to the keyboard. lagoon – a spot that’s pretty darn special.
Why am I so eager to share Will’s story with the world? Now, rewind to my first visit in 2021. The ocean, hyped up by Liam
Will isn’t your run-of-the-mill student; he’s a creative force to be and Nathan, proved a bit too frosty for my nine-year-old self. So, I
reckoned with. When he’s not jotting down tales, he’s lost in the sought refuge in the lagoon, expecting an Arctic plunge. Surprise! It
world of art, engrossed in a good book, or sharing his thoughts was warm. Since then, no beach day is complete without a blissful
through vlogs. And did I mention his ambitious goals? This kid is dip in the lagoon.
aiming for the stars – 1,000 YouTube subscribers, a
career as a political journalist, and a keen interest Once you emerge from the lagoon, you find yourself back at
in the ever-evolving artificial intelligence. the country club. Did I mention they whip up slap chips in their
kitchen? Oh, they do. And sometimes, we savor them right there
It’s not just me who sees the spark in on the beach – a packet for just R30. But beachside chip feasts
Will; his teacher, Loryn, is singing the aren’t for everyone; some folks (I’m side-eyeing my mom)
same tune. According to Loryn, Will prefer going for runs. During one of these runs, my mom
is the most talented, creative, and encounters Jacobus from Pretoria, and this is where the
downright entertaining young man in hilarity kicks in.
the classroom. His parents echo this
sentiment – Will brings joy wherever he Imagine this scene: Jacobus, attempting to capture the
goes. essence of gravel through his lens, gets a surprise offer
from my mom for a photo shoot. Turns out, he was after
Will’s story isn’t just about his words; a glamour shot of gravel. The next day at the hotel, he
it’s about encouraging a budding practically jumps out of his skin when he spots my
talent that has the potential to mom and Gilly, thrilled to meet them again. Now,
reshape our literary landscape. I suspect he might’ve thought my mom and
Gilly were a couple, given the usual absence of
So, buckle up, dear readers, and dads – they’re out golfing, cycling, running, or
get ready to be swept away by just living their best lives.
the magic of Will’s words. This
isn’t just another story; this is Speaking of interesting encounters,
the beginning of an odyssey, there’s a delightful tale at the hotel
and you’re invited to be a part involving my mom, Gilly, and a
of it. Jägermeister. Laughter ensues,
friendships are formed, and a grade
The Tale of the 1 teacher, whose details I’m keeping
Haga Haga hazy, becomes part of the tale.
Greetings, folks! I’m Will, an
11-year-old dude residing Now, I’m convinced Haga Haga
in the bustling city of would capture your heart just like it
Johannesburg, sporting a has mine. And if not, well, we might need
high-pitched British voice to rethink the friendship. So, there you have it –
that adds a touch of charm my extended take on Haga Haga. Now, go touch
to my tales. Currently, I find some grass!
Education | February 2024 | 3