Page 17 - Decor and Lifestyle Feature 2023 Issue 1
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So, you’ve made the brave decision to embark on a decluttering journey. You’re
finally ready to transform your home into a peaceful haven where unicorns
frolic and angels sing sweet melodies. Well, maybe not quite, but close enough.
Now, before you dive headfirst into the delightful world of decluttering, let me
share some tips and tricks to help you get started.
Start Small, One Space at a Time
Decluttering can feel overwhelming if you attempt to tackle your entire home
at once. Instead, begin by focusing on one space, such as a closet, a desk, or
a single room. Breaking the process into manageable tasks allows you to stay
motivated and see progress, inspiring you to continue decluttering throughout
your home.
Sort and Categorize
As you declutter, sort your belongings into categories. Create piles for items
to keep, donate, sell, or discard. This approach helps you make more informed
decisions and prevents you from holding onto unnecessary possessions.
Embrace the Rule of Three
When deciding whether to keep an item, ask yourself three essential
questions: Do I love it? Do I use it regularly? Does it serve a practical purpose?
If the answer is no to all three, it’s time to let go and create space for things that
truly enhance your life.
Create Functional Storage Solutions
Invest in storage solutions that fit your specific needs. Opt for multipurpose
furniture, such as ottomans with hidden storage, shelves with baskets, or
A cluttered bedroom can hinder our ability under-bed storage containers. Organise your belongings aesthetically pleasing
and practically, ensuring easy access and maintaining a clutter-free space.
to relax and unwind, making it challenging
to achieve quality sleep. Decluttering your Digital Decluttering
bedroom creates a serene and peaceful Decluttering isn’t limited to physical belongings. Take the opportunity to
atmosphere conducive to restful sleep. declutter your digital life as well. Sort through your emails, delete unnecessary
Removing excess items, organising your files, and organise your digital documents and photos. A clean and organised
belongings, and maintaining a clean and tidy digital space can contribute to a sense of calm and reduce the feeling of being
space can help promote a sense of calm and overwhelmed.
improve sleep quality.
Practice the “One In, One Out” Rule
ENHANCED EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING To maintain a clutter-free home, implement the “one in, one out” rule. Each
Our living spaces can significantly influence time you bring a new item into your home, commit to removing one thing of
our emotional well-being. A cluttered home similar size or purpose. This habit prevents the accumulation of unnecessary
can make us feel weighed down, stressed, and belongings and encourages mindful consumption.
overwhelmed. Decluttering allows us to let go
of items we no longer need or love, creating Involve the Whole Family
space for new energy and positive emotions to Decluttering can be a collaborative effort. Involve your family members in the
flow. A clutter-free environment can boost our process, encouraging them to declutter their own spaces. Teach children about
mood, increase happiness, and contribute to a the importance of organisation and help them understand the value of letting
more positive outlook on life.
go of items they no longer use or need.
A cluttered home poses safety risks, increasing SO, THERE YOU GO!
the chance of accidents and injuries. In Clear the clutter and transform your home into a peaceful haven! As you enjoy
addition, piles of objects can obstruct the blissful results, remember to embrace the quirks that make your space
pathways, create trip hazards, or contribute uniquely yours. Spread the decluttering wisdom, laugh at the absurdities, and
to fires. Decluttering ensures that your living face future clutter battles with your decluttering superhero cape intact. May
spaces are safe and free from potential your home always be a sanctuary of serenity and organised bliss.
dangers, providing you with peace of mind. Happy decluttering adventures!
DÉCOR & LIFESTYLE Issue 1 2023 | 15