Page 22 - Education Supplement August Edition 2023
P. 22
Encouraging Critical Thinking Skills:
How Parents Can Foster
Independent Thinking By Nicola Killops
bout two years ago, I left the On the surface, this was fantastic - kids Filtering through the chaos
classroom to embark on a who were engaged, cared, and wanted to Ever peek into the pandemonium
Anew adventure as a writer and share their perspectives. That should be a of social media platforms or,
education consultant. While I love the new cause for celebration, right? worse, a family WhatsApp group?
challenges that my new role brings, I will Misinformation is passed around
always be grateful for the treasured time I But as I listened more closely, something like hot potatoes, often without a
spent engaging with a roomful of kids who started to bother me. It became apparent moment’s pause for scrutiny. Despite
were all mine, all year long. I often stroll that much of what they were saying questionable sources, you’ve got
down memory lane, recalling the vibrant felt...recycled. The passion was theirs, uncles forwarding every conspiracy
chatter and unexpected conversations. yes, but the words and arguments? theory they find, treating Tweets and
And it very often serves as food for They seemed to echo what they’d heard memes as gospel truth.
thought. How can my new role add value, elsewhere, perhaps from their parents,
inspire teachers and parents and continue the media, or even other teachers. There People mistrust their GPS suggesting an
contributing to the big picture? was a sense of parroting rather than unfamiliar route, yet eagerly forward an
genuinely understanding or analyzing the article to the extended family about how
I recall a particular day with my grade information they discussed. rubbing an onion on your head will cure
4 class that stands out. We had delved baldness.
into a heated discussion on climate It was then I realised the crucial role we
change, a topic that, even at their young play as educators. It’s not enough to just We must arm the next generation with
age, seemed to elicit strong reactions fill our students with facts, figures, and a reliable B.S. detector in this digital
from them. Each student had a lot information, expecting them to accept it at whirlwind. It’s crucial to teach our kids
to contribute, their little faces full of face value. Yes, we need to provide them critical thinking, helping them question,
determination and conviction as they with knowledge, but we must also teach evaluate, and make sound judgments
voiced their opinions. them how to engage with that knowledge. amidst the noise.
Education | August 2023 | 20