Page 24 - Education Supplement August Edition 2023
P. 24


            Since  opening  our  doors  in  2020,  Pinnacle  College   OUR 4 PROMISES
            Waterfall has shown significant growth and we have   Pinnacle  College  takes  your  schooling  experience  to
            proudly expanded our facilities to accommodate the   heart. We  make  4  promises  to  you,  the  student,  and
            growing demand. We currently offer Grade 000 - 11 and   commit to measure ourselves continually to ensure that
            will eventually encompass the full school complement,   we keep our promises and meet your expectations.
            up to Grade 12 in 2024.
                                                              STUDENT EXPERIENCE:  Pinnacle  College  promises  a
            Pinnacle College Waterfall forms one of seven Pinnacle
 C                                                            day-to-day  student  experience  where  you  will  grow
            College  campuses  situated  across  Gauteng,  all  of
 M                                                            socially  and  academically  in  a  non-judgemental  and
            which  are  affiliated  with  the  ADvTECH  Schools
 Y                                                            respectful space.
            Division.  The  ADvTECH  Schools  Division  has  many
            years’ experience in school management and successfully   EXTRACURRICULAR:  Pinnacle  College  promises  an
 MY                                                           extra-mural experience of high quality – allowing you to
            owns and operates more than 100 private schools and
 CY                                                           enjoy and develop your talents.
            colleges  across  South  Africa,  Botswana  and  Kenya,
            with a total enrolment of more than 30 000 students.  CAMPUSES:  Pinnacle  College  promises  a  campus
            MODERN CAMPUS                                     experience  that  will  make  you  proud  to  call  it  your
            Our custom-built and Wi-Fi enabled campus has been   school.
            designed to meet the needs of the modern curriculum   COMMUNICATION:  Pinnacle  College  promises  open
            with general purpose classrooms being enhanced by   communication channels among all the stake-holders
            specialised  centres  such  as:  Art,  Robotics,  Design,   involved in your education. The triangle including the
            Biology, Science and Computer Science.            student, school and parent is vital in this promise.

            We are also one of the first schools to offer you a unique,   DIGITAL LITERACY
            one-of-a-kind  learning  area  called:  The  Experience   We have partnered with STEM Dynamics to offer Coding and
            Centre  (TEC).  TEC  is  a  multi-functional  space  that   Robotics  to  all  our  students  on  campus,  included  as  a
            allows  for  collaborative  workspaces  in “glass  pods”;   lesson in the academic day in a purpose-built Robotics Lab.
            individual  spaces  for  quiet  reading  or  independent   •  Teacher training and development keeps pace with
            work  and  a  library  space  for  our  book  club. These     current trends and technology.
            teaching  spaces  allow  students  and  teachers  to   •  Robotics and Coding is also on offer for students as an
            embrace new teaching and learning methods.          extra-mural for students who want to dive deeper into
                                                                the subject.

            Applications for enrolment at Pinnacle College Waterfall
            for 2024 and beyond.

            For more information, please contact 087 352 1975 or
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