Page 10 - Education August 2024
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Lilli Jackson: From Global Adventures

                              to Academic Excellence

             Lilli Jackson is an extraordinary teenager whose life story combines

                  global exploration, academic excellence, and dance mastery.

            tarting at 10, she travelled
            to 50 countries with her
       Sparents and younger brother,
        gaining invaluable experiences and
        perspectives. Now a full-time student
        in South Africa, Lilli uses her travel
        wisdom in her academic and dance
        pursuits. She represented South Africa
        in 2023 at DanceStar World Masters
        in Croatia and earned Senior Gauteng
        Colours for her jazz, lyrical, and tap
        skills. Here, Lilli shares her journey,
        challenges, triumphs, and aspirations.

        A Unique Start
        Lilli’s journey began at 10 when her
        family decided to travel the world.
        Reflecting on this unique start, Lilli
        recalls the excitement and curiosity
        fuelling her adventure. “When I
        learned we would travel the world,
        I was thrilled and apprehensive,”
        she shares. Her parents’ desire to
        provide a unique learning experience
        and immerse their family in diverse
        cultures drove this decision.
        Remarkably, her parents had already
        travelled extensively while her
        mother was pregnant with Lilli, doing
        the famous Cape to Cairo route in a
        van. This sparked their passion for
        exploration and the desire to instil
        wanderlust and a sense of adventure
        in their children.

        The World as a Classroom
        “Travelling in a van allowed us to   Denmark. That was probably one of    firsthand enriched her understanding
        experience the world up close,” Lilli   my favourite destinations. I also really   of the world. “Seeing how different
        recalls. Due to visa restrictions, the   enjoyed Vietnam. Getting a chance   cultures practice their beliefs gave me
        family had to backpack through some   to see their perspective on what they   an interesting perspective on history
        countries, adding to the adventure.   refer to as the American War was    and humanity.”
        Each destination offered unique      particularly eye-opening,” she notes.
        learning opportunities, enriching    “It helped me understand that history   Balancing travel and education
        Lilli’s understanding of history,    is all about perspective.” Witnessing   was a unique challenge. “Learning
        cultures, and faiths. “I just loved   various faiths, cultures, and traditions   while travelling was challenging yet

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