Page 11 - Education August 2024
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incredibly rewarding,” Lilli explains. “It   represented South Africa via video   in guiding Lilli’s success. The
        allowed me to tailor my education to   submission in tap dance at the 2021   school has given her the space and
        my interests and the places we visited.”   Dance World Cup, further establishing   accommodation to pursue her talents
        This approach kept her academically   her talent.                         and dreams. “The support from
        engaged and connected her studies to                                      my teachers and peers has been
        real-world contexts, making learning   Embracing Traditional              invaluable,” Lilli acknowledges. “It has
        more meaningful.                     Schooling                            allowed me to thrive academically
                                             Returning to traditional schooling   and artistically, providing a strong
        The journey was also a profound      in South Africa was a significant    foundation for my future.”
        period of personal growth. “Travelling   transition. Lilli embraced the
        taught me resilience, independence,   challenges and rewards, applying the   Future Aspirations
        and cultural sensitivity,” Lilli reflects.   adaptability and resilience honed   Looking ahead, Lilli aspires to excel
        Each country brought new experiences,   during her travels. “Adjusting to a   academically and pursue a career
        making her more adaptable and        fixed schedule was challenging,” she   where she can use her love of
        open-minded. “I learned to appreciate   admits, “but the rewards of structured   science to fuel her creative passions,
        different ways of life and to see the   learning and peer interactions were   showcasing her multifaceted interests.
        world from multiple perspectives.”   immense.” Her travel experiences
                                             enriched her academic journey,       Lilli’s advice to peers balancing
        Strengthening Bonds                  providing a unique perspective that   multiple passions is to remain
        Travelling with family for several   set her apart.                       authentic. “Your authentic self is
        years brought them closer together.                                       your greatest strength,” she advises.
        “The experience strengthened our     Lilli’s commitment to her studies is   Embracing her role as an ambassador
        family bonds,” Lilli shares. “We faced   evident in her outstanding academic   has taught her the importance
        challenges as a team and celebrated   performance. “Travelling taught me   of authenticity and integrity. “Be
        each discovery together.” Spending   discipline and time management,”     yourself, have courage, and the rest
        so much time in a small space made   she explains. Her ability to balance   will fall into place.”
        enjoying each other’s company        rigorous academics with her passion
        essential. “It was helpful to have a   for dance is a testament to her    As Lilli reflects on her journey, she
        close family who genuinely enjoyed   dedication and hard work. “Finding   hopes to leave a lasting impact
        being together,” Lilli adds. “We learned   a balance is crucial,” she explains.   as an ambassador. “I want to be
        to communicate better, be patient,   “It’s about prioritising and staying   remembered for my authenticity and
        and support each other through       organised.” The school has supported   dedication,” she says. Her journey
        everything.” Her dad’s eclectic taste in   Lilli’s academic and personal growth,   exemplifies the values of her school
        music often set the soundtrack for their   providing an environment that   and inspires her peers.
        travels, adding a fun element to their   recognises and nurtures her unique
        journey. “His music choices became a   talents.
        memorable part of our travels, creating
        a soundtrack of memories we all      Mentorship and Support
        cherish.”                            As a school ambassador, Lilli embodies
                                             the school’s core values of respect,
        Discovering Dance: A Passion         tolerance, and selflessness. “Being an
        on the Move                          ambassador is a prestigious role,” she
        Lilli’s passion for dance began when   says. “It’s about inspiring peers and
        she was a small child living in Canada.   representing the school’s ethos.” Lilli
        Her travels certainly didn’t interfere   values the opportunity to impact her
        with her immense talent and potential.   community positively and strives to
        Despite the constant movement, she   be a role model for younger students.
        continued performing and trained in   Her ambassadorship reflects her
        various countries. A significant recent   commitment to authenticity and
        highlight was representing South     leadership, guiding others by
        Africa in the DanceStar competition   example.
        in Croatia. “Competing in DanceStar
        was a pivotal moment for me,” Lilli   The mentorship, support,
        says. “It showcased my dedication    and approach at her
        and allowed me to measure my skills   school have been
        against international peers.” She also   instrumental

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