Page 16 - Education August 2024
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e proudly celebrate 60       paths and passions at their own pace,   will thrive in the changing landscape of
                years of faith, adventure    building self-confidence, and taking   career choices.
        Wand education in 2024.              children out of their shells.          That inspires adventure-seekers,
        Staying true to our foundation, we see   A school comprised of families from   mentors, and lifelong learners, aiming
        a school where our 270 square hectare   near and far who seek quality education,   to summit but not too proud to change
        wildlife campus is fully integrated into   developing soft and hard skills in a safe,   course with wise counsel and a helping
        the education of our children, bringing   healthy, natural environment without   hand.
        life and relevance into our academics,   the pressures of the city, and with a   A school that counts as a privilege to
        sports (non-traditional and traditional),   broader purpose, wanting to make a   journey with families on the education
        culture, technology and wellbeing    positive difference, valuing authenticity.  adventure.
        towards a sustainable future for all.  Where children are given a voice and
           A school deeply founded on the    heard, able to question, not limited to a   OPEN DAY
        Christian faith lived out daily and visible   hierarchy or rank for their development,   We invite families to visit us whenever
        in how we steward our resources and   thus living outside the bubble, not   they can! Every day is an Open Day, and
        select our partners.                 pressured to conform or over-compete.  we want you to experience our school
           This is characterised by the        A school that encourages resilience   as it is!
        nurturing of the children in our care   through trying, failing and trying again,
        by our dedicated staff to find their own   creating a future-proof generation that   Enrol and become part of the story!

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