Page 21 - Education August 2024
P. 21

• Educational Staff: The calibre of education is directly   Certificate (NSC) examinations, Umalusi accreditation
          linked to the faculty’s expertise. A blend of new teachers   is critical. This body upholds quality and standards in
          bringing fresh perspectives and seasoned educators   general, as well as further education and training. Umalusi’s
          offering depth of experience is ideal. All staff must hold   endorsement means the teachers are qualified and
          the necessary qualifications and undergo thorough    registered, and the curriculum, teaching methods, and
          vetting for the student’s safety.                    assessment strategies meet national quality requirements,
        • Leadership: The success of a school often hinges on its   offering your child a credible and recognised matric
          leadership. A team that is accessible and responsive   qualification.
          demonstrates a dedication to creating a nurturing and
          inclusive atmosphere for all members of the school   Cambridge International Examination Board
          community.                                           For a school to legitimately claim that it is a Cambridge
        • Curriculum and Teaching Approach: A curriculum that   School, it must be registered with Cambridge International
          encourages critical thinking and adaptability prepares   Examinations. Many who claim to be Cambridge Schools
          students for future challenges. Support in choosing   have not done so, are not eligible, or are merely tuition
          elective subjects after Grade 9 is crucial, as it helps   centres offering Cambridge distance learning. Verifying
          students plan their academic and career trajectories.  the school’s status can be quickly done through the ‘Find
        • Accreditation: A school’s accreditation status is a crucial   a School’ feature on the Cambridge website, ensuring the
          indicator of its adherence to educational standards and   institution’s claims are more than just promotional rhetoric.
          quality. Understanding a school’s accreditation is critical
          to ensuring it offers a recognised and valuable education.  Independent Examinations Board (IEB)
                                                               The IEB provides an examination service that is widely
        Understanding Registration and Accreditation for       respected for its rigorous academic standards and is
        Private Schools                                        predominantly used by South African schools. Schools opting
        Jacqueline Aitchison heads up the Professional         for the IEB over the traditional government NSC exams
        Development of Heads for SAHISA Central Region. She sits   must be accredited by Umalusi but operate under the IEB’s
        on the executive committee for the South African Heads of   guidelines. This ensures that the education provided is of
        Independent Schools for the Central Region and is also the   high quality and equips students with critical thinking skills
        Founder and Executive Head at Education Incorporated.   beneficial beyond their schooling years. The IEB is recognised
        She stresses, “When parents pick a school, they should look   globally by several hundred international universities and
        for more than good academic results or tempting facilities.   offers Further Studies subjects equivalent to the Cambridge
        They should search for a place that deeply values being   A-level or the traditional South African post-matric level.
        legally sound, properly accredited, and deeply sustainable.
        This kind of commitment prepares students for whatever   Membership in Educational Associations
        comes next, giving them academic success and the       Membership in recognised educational associations like the
        confidence and integrity to use wisely.”               Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA)
                                                               can offer additional quality assurance. ISASA membership
        Before committing to a private school for your child, two   implies a commitment to maintaining the association’s
        critical boxes need to be checked: Is the school officially   standards and ethical practices, providing an extra layer of
        registered with the Provincial Department of Education,   credibility.
        and does it hold accreditation from Umalusi? These
        foundational aspects guarantee that the institution    The South African Council for Educators (SACE)
        operates within the legal framework of South Africa’s   Finally, ensure that all teachers at the school are registered
        educational system and adheres to the standards set for   with SACE. This registration is a testament to their
        quality education.                                     qualifications and commitment to professional ethical
                                                               standards, ensuring your child is taught by competent and
        Registration with the Department of Education          accountable educators.
        First and foremost, confirm the school’s registration with
        the Provincial Department of Education. This step is non-  Final Thoughts
        negotiable as it verifies the school’s legal operation within   Doing the groundwork to verify a school’s credentials might
        the country. Registration with the Department signifies   seem overwhelming, but protecting your child’s educational
        adherence to basic educational standards and is the first   path is essential. Opting for a school that adheres to
        filter in ensuring a school’s legitimacy.              established legal and accreditation criteria does more than
                                                               contribute to a solid education for your child today. It lays
        Accreditation by Umalusi                               the groundwork for their future success, guaranteeing they
        For private schools offering the CAPs curriculum and   receive an education that holds value within our borders
        planning for students to undertake the National Senior   and beyond.

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