Page 27 - Education August 2024
P. 27

The Process of Obtaining Accommodations
         Here are some common types of
         accommodations and concessions:       Applying for accommodations typically involves several steps:
         • Additional Time: Extra minutes per   • Psycho-Educational Assessment: Conducted by a qualified psychologist to
           hour of examination are granted       identify learning barriers and recommend specific accommodations.
           to ensure students can complete     • Medical Reports: If applicable, these reports provide evidence of any medical
           their work without undue stress. For   conditions affecting the student’s learning.
           example, a student might receive    • Teacher Comments: Insight from teachers on how the student’s difficulties
           an extra 10 minutes per hour of       impact their classroom performance.
           examination to accommodate slower   • School Reports and Work Samples: These documents support the need for
           reading or writing speeds.            accommodations by showcasing the student’s academic history and current
         • Scribes and Readers: A scribe writes   challenges.
           verbatim what the learner dictates,
           and a reader reads all text in an   The application process can be lengthy, often taking several weeks to months,
           examination paper to the learner.   so starting as early as possible is essential. If an application is denied, there is
           This is useful for students with severe   usually an option to appeal the decision.
           reading difficulties.
         • Amanuensis: An amanuensis reads to   The Impact on Students
           and writes for the learner, providing   The right accommodations can significantly impact a student’s academic
           comprehensive support during        performance and overall well-being. Having access to technology supporting
           exams.                              his learning has been transformative for my son. It has allowed him to express
         • Separate Venues: Quiet              his ideas without the barrier of dyslexia, fostering his creativity and intellectual
           environments that minimise          growth.
           distractions are crucial for students
           with attention disorders like ADHD.  However, over and above this, his school’s mentorship and personal growth
         • Rest Breaks: Periods during which   focus have helped my son develop emotional intelligence (EQ), executive
           the learner is not required to be at   functioning, self-reliance, accountability, ownership, and conflict-resolution
           their desk but must remain in the   skills, which are just as important as academic success. This holistic approach
           examination venue. Rest breaks      to education recognises that authentic learning encompasses more than just
           help manage fatigue and maintain    academic achievement; it includes personal development and the ability to
           concentration.                      navigate life’s challenges.
         • Computer Assistance: Use of a
           computer to present answers in a    Understanding accommodations and concessions can be daunting, but ensuring
           typed form, which can be crucial for   that twice-exceptional children receive the education they deserve is crucial. By
           students with handwriting difficulties.  understanding and advocating for these supports, parents and educators can
         • Spelling and Handwriting            help unlock the full potential of students like my son, allowing them to thrive
           Accommodations: Spelling errors     academically and personally.
           are overlooked as long as the text
           is phonetically correct, and untidy   My son’s journey has shown me the profound impact of the right educational
           handwriting is accommodated with a   environment and support on a child’s life. His school has given him the tools
           sticker alerting markers.           and confidence he needs to succeed, and I am passionate about sharing this
         • Braille or Enlarged Print: Examination   experience with others. If you need more information or support, feel free to
           papers can be offered in Braille or   reach out – I am always here to help guide you through this journey.
           enlarged print for visually impaired
         • Medication and Food Intake:
           Students may need to take
           medication or consume food
           and beverages during an exam
           to maintain their health and
         • Prompter: A prompter provides
           verbal or physical cues to refocus a
           learner who is easily distracted.
         • Exemptions: In some cases, students
           may be exempt from specific subjects
           that pose significant challenges due
           to their disabilities.

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