Page 28 - Education August 2024
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Game, set, and match for matriculant Isabella Basson,

            who bags seven distinctions and a full 4-year tennis

                         scholarship to The University of Tulsa!

        Written by Shannon Black                              She expressed that not only was the structured layout of the
                                                              content, quality of learning material, expertise of the teachers and
         sabella Basson, a past Grade 12 student at Hatfield Online   timely feedback a tremendous help, but she felt her online learning
         School, has rightfully earned her place in the halls of academic   experience was more personal. Due to the nature of online schooling,
       Iexcellence whilst continuing to shine on the tennis courts,   she found herself in a position where she had to reach out to her
        proving that you can live out your sporting dream and excel in your   teachers if she was unsure of a concept. Her heightened sense of
        academics.                                            responsibility for her academics fostered one-on-one, personalised
                                                              interaction with her teachers.
        19 January 2024 marked a day of great excitement for Isabella
        Basson after the IEB confirmed that she had obtained seven   In addition to her excellent academic results, since joining Hatfield
        distinctions in Accounting, Afrikaans FAL, English, Geography, Life   Online School, her International Tennis Federation (ITF) ranking for
        Orientation, Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Furthermore,   Women’s U/18 improved from 3093 in August 2022 to 712 by the
        she was in the top 1% of the country for Afrikaans and Geography.   end of 2023. In her matric year, between writing her prelims and final
        This remarkable set of results has secured Isabella a full 4-year   examinations, she ranked 3rd nationally in the Girls U/18 section.
        tennis scholarship to The University of Tulsa in the USA, where she   Isabella’s mom expressed her deep gratitude to all staff at the school,
        will study Business and work towards her goal of playing tennis   “They have been amazing. If it weren’t for this vehicle and their
        professionally. This was no easy feat – she was up against the best   support and understanding, she would not have been able to do this.”
        in the world and had to demonstrate a balance between academic
        rigour and outstanding sports performance.            The principal of Hatfield Online School, Ms Claudine van Tonder,
                                                              explains that Isabella is the quintessential example of how online
        Isabella joined Hatfield Online School in her Grade 11 year   education can help students thrive. “Isabella used the flexibility
        when she realised she needed the flexibility of online schooling.   that our school offered her. She worked exceptionally hard at her
        Sometimes, Isabella only knew her tournament schedule a day in   academics whilst simultaneously committing to a gruelling training
        advance, yet her teachers would reschedule tests or submission   schedule. We are so proud of her!”
        deadlines to timeslots that worked for her. For Isabella:
                                                              Isabella is a true beacon of courage and commitment, proving that
           “That was one of my highlights – the teachers’ attitudes   sports and academics are not opponents; they flourish together
           and understanding towards everything, even if they don’t   under the right conditions.
           understand tennis.”

        But as Isabella explains, it is not only about a flexible test schedule:

           “You have great teachers, you have access to them 24/7
           wherever you are, you do your full curriculum, you get
           the best learning experience, you can write your tests and
           do your projects … and I could carry on with tennis the
           way I was.”

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