Page 58 - Education August 2024
P. 58


                               Character education beyond the curriculum

        D     ainfern College, a co-educational independent school situated in the northern suburbs of Johannesburg, has been a proud

              member of Round Square for 15 years. Round Square is an international network of over 250 like-minded schools in 50
              countries who connect and collaborate to offer world-class programmes and experiences that develop global competence,
         character and confidence in their students.

         With innovation, internationalism and leadership the key drivers behind the Dainfern College approach to education, the school
         found a natural home in Round Square and proudly incorporates the Round Square IDEALS and Discoveries within and beyond its
         curriculum. The College is one of only fifteen Round Square schools in South Africa, and twenty-five in the whole of Africa.

                     IDEALS                                 THE DISCOVERY FRAMEWORK

        The IDEALS provide a common platform   The Round Square Discoveries encapsulate the attitudes, attributes, skills and values
        from which all Round Square schools are  that are intentionally developed and explored by Dainfern College students as they
        able to network, collaborate and share   engage with the IDEALS. The twelve Discoveries are integrated into lessons and
        learning resources and experiences,  extramural activities to ensure students develop into well-rounded and empathetic
                                            individuals, fully prepared for the world in which we live.
          NTERNATIONALISM: Dainfern College
        Istudents are able to attend international   •   Courage  •   Appreciation of Diversity
        youth conferences and tours and have the  •   Compassion  •   Ability to Solve Problems
        opportunity to go on student exchanges at   •   Inventiveness  •   Commitment to Sustainability
        other Round Square schools across the
        globe.                              •   Inquisitiveness  •   Sense of Responsibility
                                            •   Self-awareness  •   Communication Skills
            EMOCRACY: Projects and          •   Tenacity      •   Teamwork Skills
        Dexperiences enable students to
        develop a personal compass for equality,
        fairness and justice, and a desire to do
        what is right for the greater good.

            NVIRONMENTALISM: Students
        Eare able to understand their place
        in the universe and their impact on their
        surroundings through participating in
        environmental projects and activities.

            DVENTURE: Students push
        Athemselves beyond their perceived
        limits and discover they are capable
        of far more than they thought, through
        participating in camps, tours, outings and
        targeted learning opportunities.

           EADERSHIP: Projects and
        Llearning experiences nurture,
        guide and develop students to become
        compassionate and caring leaders of
        integrity, driven by a desire to be of
        service to others.

            ERVICE: Students are involved
        Sin service activities and projects,
        thus developing their understanding of
        individuals and communities in need, and
        encouraging them always to be willing to
        volunteer and get involved where needed.
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