Page 53 - Education August 2024
P. 53

                                                                               STADIO Higher Education is managed
                                                                               by STADIO Holdings Group, a
                                                                               JSE-listed company established to
                                                                               empower the nation by widening
                                                                               access to higher education. STADIO
                                                                               Group is one of the largest higher
                                                                               education providers in the country,
                                                                               providing quality tertiary qualifications
                                                                               to approximately 46 000 students
                                                                               through more than 90 accredited
                                                                                  With a clear focus on student-
                                                                               centricity and the ever-changing world
                                                                               of work, STADIO’s programmes are
                                                                               aligned with industry requirements to
                                                                               prepare its students for success.
                                                                                  STADIO offers qualifications ranging
                                                                               from higher certificates to master’s
                                                                               degrees and doctorates across
                                                                               seven faculties. Students can choose
                                                                               between flexible distance and online
                                                                               learning options or enjoy an immersive
                                                                               on-campus experience at one of nine
                                                                               campuses nationwide.
                                                                               For more info, visit
                                                                               LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram:

        Various job opportunities will allow   with due consideration of the   Some job roles that graduates can
        graduates to implement solutions   professional codes of conduct in   explore include accounting specialist,
        in a competitive and changing      the accounting environment.        senior bookkeeper, company secretary,
        financial environment. STADIO      Graduates will leave with an       junior auditor, tax advisor, actuary, or
        Higher Education is confident that   adaptive mindset to stay abreast of   small business owner.
        graduates will be able to function   developments in the business world
        responsibly, legally, and ethically   and continuous challenges in the   Once this new STADIO School of
        in the accounting field within any   accounting profession. Furthermore,   Commerce qualification is rolled out
        organisation (public or private),   they will be well-rounded individuals   at STADIO Waterfall, STADIO Higher
                                           who demonstrate an awareness of    Education plans to extend other
                                           cultural diversity, social reality, and   qualifications and its Bellville-based
                                           the need for transformation in     Entrepreneurship Hub, which is a free
                                           South Africa.                      business clinic to Waterfall as well, with
                                                                              relevant short course offerings for start-
                                           The BCom in Accounting             ups and existing businesses.
                                           will open up certification and     Look out for more news!
                                           license options and secure job
                                           opportunities with competitive          For more information about
                                           salaries based on transferable       STADIO Waterfall and its academic
                                           skills such as problem-solving,       offerings, visit
                                           analytical and communication
                                           skills in diverse industries,
                                           including entrepreneurship.
                                           Graduates will have opportunities
                                           for advancement and flexibility in
                                           an environment where their job
        Dr. Antje Hargarter                roles will benefit from prestige
        Head of School: Commerce           and respect.

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