Page 50 - Education August 2024
P. 50
In the modern classroom, integrating
artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked
debates about its impact on how
students learn and interact with
information. AI offers immense
potential to enhance educational
experiences by providing
unprecedented access to global
knowledge at the touch of a button.
However, using AI in education comes
with challenges and responsibilities.
Above: Grade 9 students designed an election pledge to: Think with Empathy, ‘Like’
YOUR FINGERTIPS poster using a visual generative AI program. with Integrity, Create with
Above right: Teachers used AI to create scale Authenticity, ‘Share’ with Care, Act
One significant advantage of AI in drawings of a classroom interior. Responsibly, Connect mindfully, and –
education is immediate access to vast most importantly – Be the ‘I’ in Kind.
amounts of information. AI-powered synthesis, and evaluation. Educators Inter-grade group discussions and
tools like ChatGPT can provide should encourage students to use AI tools activities included responsible and
students with resources, and responsibly, viewing them as ethical use of AI, and how to use your
explanations, that enhance their supplements rather than substitutes for influence in a positive manner.
understanding of various subjects. traditional learning methods.
However, it is crucial to teach FROM AI TO IA HUMAN INTELLIGENCE AT THE
students that not all AI-retrieved (INTELLIGENT ASSISTANT) CENTRE
information is accurate. Critical AI can enhance teaching by offering This year, Brescia House School
thinking and analytical skills are students designed an election poster
essential to discern the validity and tailored feedback and identifying areas using a visual generative AI program.
reliability of the information. where students need additional support. They examined the accuracy,
However, teachers bring empathy,
Encouraging students to cross- creativity, and an understanding of usefulness, and trustworthiness of
reference and question the accuracy generative AI. According to Mrs. Laura
of AI-generated content cultivates a individual student needs that AI cannot van Houten, HOD History at Brescia
discerning and informed mindset. replicate. Students can use AI to generate
questions for a topic, explain concepts, House School, “Students must
USE OF GENERATIVE AI IN and summarize concepts. In experience generative AI first-hand
THE HISTORY CLASSROOM Mathematical Literacy, teachers used AI while recognizing the importance of
to create scale drawings of a classroom human skills like critical thinking and
In 2023, Brescia House School’s Grade interior, which students then used to clear communication in making AI an
9 students created an AI-generated calculate lengths and scales. AI- effective tool.”
news broadcast as a project. They generated images also illustrated The goal is to enhance education with
were given a country and a Cold War mathematical concepts, aiding student AI without overshadowing human
event and used ChatGPT to draft their understanding. intelligence. AI should be seen as a
scripts. They then edited and cross- powerful ally in the pursuit of
referenced their scripts for historical ENCOURAGING RESPONSIBLE USE knowledge, offering significant benefits
accuracy before using an AI program while presenting challenges requiring
to create a news broadcast, Banning AI in schools would deny careful management. By balancing AI
incorporating scripts, visuals, media students access to one of the most use with original thinking and rigorous
clips, and an avatar to present the powerful technologies available today. research, Brescia House School
news. Instead, schools should teach creates an educational environment
responsible AI use, including digital where AI and human intelligence work
FINDING THE MIDDLE GROUND citizenship, source acknowledgment, together for the best student
information verification, and crediting outcomes.
Integrating AI in education should original authors.
balance leveraging technology and Every year in the first week of February, Contributors: Mrs L Crighton: Head of
Innovation and Staff Development; Mrs L
promoting original thinking and Brescia House School dedicates effort to van Houten: Head of Department:
research. AI can aid the learning promoting responsible and ethical online History; Mrs H Bishop: Head of Marketing
process, but it cannot replace behaviour to coincide with International and Admissions; Mrs J Hultzer:
Mathematical Literacy Teacher/Head of
fundamental skills like analysis, Safer Internet Day. All girls take a Communication
Grade 000 - 12