Page 46 - Education August 2024
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               Deutsche Internationale Schule Pretoria

                   Celebrates a Legacy of Excellence,

                        Innovation, and Global Impact

            mbarking on a momentous journey through 125 years of   world. The coveted Abitur symbolises academic achievement
            educational excellence, the Deutsche Internationale Schule   and serves as a passport for learners to pursue higher education
       EPretoria (DSP) proudly celebrates its quasquicentennial   opportunities across Europe.
                                                              The unwavering excellence of our educators creates a world-class,
        Established in 1899, DSP has evolved into a globally respected   nurturing, and safe environment. Beyond the classroom, our
        German School Abroad, shaping the academic destinies of   school has forged trusted partnerships with German businesses
        learners within our extensive premises adorned with spaciously   and institutions, facilitating a network that extends far beyond the
        designed school buildings.                            borders of our institution. Our commitment to diversity, freedom of
                                                              expression, and encouraging learners to embrace a global perspective
        As we reflect on this remarkable milestone, our commitment to   is woven into the fabric of DSP’s ethos. As a testament to the strength
        the motto “Deeply Rooted, Future-Oriented” echoes through   of our community, DSP alumni have ventured forth to build successful
        every facet of our institution. From crèche to Grade 12, our   and fulfilling careers in South Africa and Europe, establishing a legacy
        learners thrive in an environment emphasising Opportunity,   of achievement.
        Excellence, and Global Reach.
                                                              Whether in the realms of music, sports, or science, DSP learners are
        The DSP experience extends beyond the conventional, presenting   not confined by geographical boundaries. They actively participate
        two distinct school streams available from Grade 10 onwards   on a global stage, transcending borders and showcasing the depth
        – the National Senior Certificate (NSC) by the Independent   of their talents. This global outlook aligns seamlessly with the
        Examinations Board (IEB) in conjunction with the German   German educational model that DSP proudly embraces. Focusing on
        Language Diploma II (DSDII), and the German International   developing independence, critical thinking, and creative problem-
        Abitur. Both qualifications enjoy recognition from German and   solving skills, our learners are not merely recipients of knowledge but
        South African universities, opening doors to study opportunities   active contributors to their learning journey.
        locally and abroad. Our focus on German language proficiency,
        music, sports, and a MINT orientation (Mathematics, Informatics,   Our vision extends beyond academic achievement to the development
        Natural Sciences, and Technology) sets the stage for a holistic   of mature citizens who navigate the complexities of life with self-
        and enriching educational experience.                 confidence and critical thinking. DSP envisions a harmonious co-
                                                              existence without prejudice, where learners contribute meaningfully
        At the heart of DSP lies a commitment to linguistic diversity,   to society, empowered to explore the world’s vast opportunities.
        with a spotlight on German. This invaluable skill opens doors
        to Europe’s most widely spoken mother tongue. This emphasis   The DSP community is a School of Encounter, where young minds
        cultivates a deep connection with European cultures and equips   from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and various parts of
        our learners with the linguistic tools to navigate a globalised   the world converge. Beyond the curriculum, DSP provides myriad

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