Page 42 - Education August 2024
P. 42

Purpose-built campuses:

        Broadacres Academy

           t is a great privilege to be able to build a   to prevent flooding during heavy rainfall, but   serves the needs of children in “The Age
           new school. Naturally, many headaches   serving as wetlands or deserts depending   of Adventure,” who are free to explore
        Iare involved, too, not least of which is   on the time of year. No space has remained   natural vegetation in a forest and enjoy the
        contending with rising building costs, steel   neglected or unused, mainly because the   organic slope of the land where natural
        industry strikes and heavy rains, which cause   campus has become encircled by the rapidly   grassland has not been removed, and
        havoc with meeting school opening deadlines!   developing area of Broadacres.  existing rocks are incorporated into play
        However, all told, the privilege outweighs the                            spaces. The school is situated within an
        headaches when it all comes together; when   Of necessity, the high school campus was   ecologically sensitive area protected under
        the budget is met, the school opens its doors.   built to be ready for occupation in 2022 for   the National Environmental Management
        The children discover that the building and   students from Grades 7 – 12 (Matric in 2025).   Biodiversity Act, and we are happy to
        surrounds have been purpose-built for their   This campus is in Chartwell, some   honour this and use it to teach children
        specific maturational age. With the latter in   3 km away from the Junior Preparatory and   how to live within thirty-two metres of
        mind, Broadacres Academy embarked upon   Preschool in Broadacres. Again, as a new   a watercourse, respect biodiversity and
        an enormous undertaking – a project eight   build, it could be purposed for children   work within indigenous vegetation. Having
        years in the making.                 entering “The Age of Becoming.” It has a   to meet the budget meant that we could
                                             more college, university or tertiary feel,   not rip up grasslands that have been in
        The Syringa Road campus originated in the   preparing students for the world of work   place for centuries to build sports fields
        “Broadacres Farm and Nursery School” some   and adulthood. Still filled with space and   and tennis courts. However, it also meant
        40 years ago. The present site now serves the   light, there is a connectedness to the   that we could honour the ideals of a
        needs of children aged six months to Grade   Syringa Campus. Again, the necessity of an   conservancy. Most importantly, it means
        3. Remembering the school’s origins, which   attenuation pond has been incorporated into   that Broadacres Academy can honour its
        was completely rebuilt in 2016, is vital. It was   the design to link and unite the separated   “Learning Naturally” motto.
        also important to meet the needs of children   campuses and function as an outdoor
        who experience “The Age of Wonder.” The   learning space. Situated near the beautiful   Our children love their three campuses.
        preschool, therefore, still has the remnants   canteen, students can sit and eat their lunch   Some parents may prefer to drop off at a
        of farm animals in bunnies and birds, and the   overlooking a wetland in the rainy season,   one-stop school for convenience’s sake,
        children still delight in naming them, watching   watch weavers and water birds build nests   but our children much prefer to enjoy their
        eggs being laid and hatched, and being able   and flourish in an environment harmonising   own spaces built for wonder, adventure
        to feed the bunnies. The architecture retains   within a busy school.     and becoming – a true privilege indeed!
        the farmhouse feel – a barn-style door is
        the entrance to our hall, the walls are made   The final stage of the campus development
        of natural rock, and our fencing includes   project saw the opening of the Senior
        corrugated iron intended to emulate kraals   Preparatory campus across the road from
        and paddocks. The classrooms are filled with   the High School in Chartwell. This campus
        light and spaces which open onto outdoor   opened in time for Term 2 in May of this year.
        water troughs (our washbasins)! Here, the   It came in on time and on budget, not least
        children are free to explore open spaces,   of all because much of the beautiful property
        including an attenuation pond, designed to   was left to wild, as befits a school situated
        temporarily hold and gradually release water   within the greater Chartwell Conservancy. It

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