Page 40 - Education August 2024
P. 40

Discover Excellence at Southdowns College

        Southdowns College has been                                            The  staff  of  highly  qualified
        the  pillar of  the  small  community                                  teachers, specialising in a myriad
        in  Irene,  Centurion,  for  the  past                                 of subjects, are here to cater to
        17 years. The school, part of the       “Nurturing                     the needs of our diverse scholarly
        Advtech family of schools, consists                                    body, ultimately instilling in our
        of three phases (Pre-Preparatory,            Future                    pupils a  desire  to pursue various
        Preparatory  and  High  School)                                        careers and create individuals
        designed to prepare our alumni for       Leaders in                    who will be lifelong learners
        an ever-growing and diversified                                        and valuable contributors to our
        society and economy amid the                  Irene,                   society.
        Fourth Industrial Revolution.
                                                 Centurion                     The holistic educational and
                                                                               psycho-social development of our
                                                       for 17                  pupils is paramount. To those ends,

                                                                               we have implemented various
                                                     Years”                    programmes housed in state-of-

        Our  Academic  support, outreach,                                      the-art facilities catering to the
        service,  robotics,  sports   and                                      needs of our student body.
        cultural  departments      run   a
        bouquet of programmes aimed
        at fully developing the untapped
        potential of our pupils and
        ultimately creating well-rounded
        individuals. We are privileged to
        be the only school in the region
        to  house  departments  in  the  four
        primary performing art forms (Art,
        Drama, Dance and Music), which
        the pupils can take as subjects in
        the  FET  phase  of  their  education.
        We also run three afternoon
        academies in dance, music, and
        swimming, catering to the needs of
        our high-performing pupils, as well
        as a professional gym.
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