Page 38 - Education August 2024
P. 38

Promoting Emotional Intelligence

                                             in Children

            motional intelligence (EI) is a critical skill that supports   plans change. It’s hard to deal with that.” This validation
            children in understanding and managing their      helps children feel understood and supported, reducing their
       Eemotions, fostering empathy, and building strong      likelihood of acting out.
        social relationships. As parents, you can employ several
        effective strategies to help your children develop these   3. Model Appropriate Expression of Emotions
        essential skills.                                     Children learn a lot by observing their parents. Model how
                                                              to express emotions healthily and constructively. Use feeling
        1. Label Emotions                                     words in your daily conversations and show how you manage
        One of the first steps in fostering emotional intelligence   your emotions. For example, say, “I feel happy when we have
        is helping your child recognise and name their emotions.   family dinner together,” or “I get frustrated when there’s
        Children who can identify their feelings are better equipped   too much noise, so I take deep breaths to calm down.” This
        to manage them. For instance, if your child is upset about   demonstrates to children that it’s normal to have emotions
        losing a game, you might say, “It looks like you’re feeling   and there are healthy ways to express them.
        disappointed. Is that right?” This practice helps children
        articulate their emotions and understand that feeling a   4. Teach Coping Skills
        range of emotions is okay.                            Once children understand their emotions, they must learn
                                                              how to cope effectively. Teach specific strategies like deep
        2. Show Empathy                                       breathing, counting to ten, or taking a break when they feel
        Empathy is crucial in developing emotional intelligence.   overwhelmed. Creating a “calm down” kit with items like a
        When your child is upset, validate their feelings by showing   colouring book, a favourite toy, or soothing music can also be
        empathy. If they are frustrated because they can’t go to the   helpful. Encourage your child to use these tools to manage
        park, you might say, “I understand it’s disappointing when   their emotions in challenging situations.

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