Page 35 - Education August 2024
P. 35

Clark admits that upon returning to   staff like Nokuphila have never given   Building Back Better
        school, the Grade 000’s (age 3-4)    up on their dreams. They aspire to   Despite the significant challenges
        results from their annual screening   provide quality education, which offers   posed by the pandemic, the children
        assessment were dismal. This indicates   hope for their entire community.  at Nokuphila have demonstrated
        that they were not being stimulated                                       remarkable resilience. With the
        enough without attending school.     Remedial teacher Laura Smit has      steadfast support of dedicated
                                             been part of the school’s fabric     educators, therapists, and their
        Grades 1 and 2 are critical years    since 2018 and witnessed all the     communities, these young children are
        for learners, where they learn the   changes during this tumultuous time.   developing robust coping mechanisms
        foundation rules for languages and   From the hard lockdown to their      that will serve them well throughout
        numeracy. Concepts are embedded      full re-opening, the stop-and-start   their lives.
        into their thinking and then applied   mechanism of the lockdown levels
        across numerous subjects. When you   was trying for both learners and staff,   While the pandemic undoubtedly set
        consider that the language taught    but they forged ahead, knowing it    back many learners’ developmental
        in school is often a learner’s third   would get easier.                  progress, the collective efforts to
        or fourth language in South Africa,                                       address these delays are fostering a
        reality dawns on what a catastrophe   Smit says, “For the kids who previously   generation that is not only resilient
        it is to lack exposure to the language   had a small learning gap, it would   but also equipped with the tools to
        at school through simple ‘storytime’   have possibly meant a term or two in   overcome adversity.
        rituals.                             remedial to close that gap, whereas
                                             most of them now need closer to a
        Beyond the Classroom                 year.”                                About The Love Trust
        Outside of the 2020 classroom setup                                        The Love Trust is dedicated to
        with rigorous social distancing, space   This reinforces Clark’s sentiment   breaking the cycle of poverty
                                                                                   through education. We work with
        and individualised play boxes, sand   about the building blocks of learning   change agents in South Africa and
        pits, and jungle gyms had to remain   being more complex to relay at a later   abroad to make a lasting impact on
        closed to many learners when they    stage. Smit stresses that language    vulnerable communities across the
        returned. Ruled as unsafe, these were   and speech development are vital   country.
        ‘no-go’ zones, and learners missed out   when preparing for Grade 1, and
        on the sensory joy of sand and water   many educational milestones are now   We focus on providing quality
        play and the benefits of crossing their   playing catch-up.                Christian education and social
        midline on the jungle gym.                                                 care to vulnerable learners at our
                                             Strategies to Support Students        Nokuphila School in Thembisa,
        Crossing the midline is reaching     at Home                               Midrand. We also train black
        across your middle to the opposite   In cases where remedial and OT        South African women to become
        side of your body, a significant growth   are not viable, there are still many   accredited early childhood
        milestone involving using both sides of   exercises which Smit and Clark urge   development (ECD) teachers.
        the brain for smooth and coordinated   carers to do at home:
        movements. Fine and gross motor      • Remember, children learn through    We support the South African
        skills were both affected by the lack   play. You can create your own home   government’s commitment to the
        of free play and organised activities.   version of ‘snap’ or dominoes.    UN Sustainable Development Goals
        The expectation that learners pick up   • Language exposure is key. Visit a   (SDGs) and work with our partners
        where they left off was unrealistic and   local library for storybooks and try   to create a resilient organisation
        unfair to them and their teachers.    to listen to radio or TV shows in    that benefits the communities we
                                              their learning language.             serve.
        Persevering Through the              • Stimulate all the senses. Encourage
        Pandemic                              your child to get involved in cooking   Our plans include expanding our
        With time often comes healing, and as   and other chores at home. You can   school to include Grades 8 and 9
        the panic around the pandemic faded,   involve a rhyming game or song to   and developing a curriculum for
        so did the anxiety and restrictions   keep it fun.                         ECD teachers.
        stopping educational facilities from   • Create a routine during school
        being as effective as they would have   holidays that still promotes learning.   We actively seek collaborative
        hoped.                                Whether counting potatoes for        partnerships with organisations
                                              supper or creating art out of old    that share our vision of delivering
        Whilst the new challenges seemed      grocery boxes, almost every activity   quality education to vulnerable
        overwhelming, the inspiring school    can provide learning in some form.

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