Page 44 - Education August 2024
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More than a Slogan:

         What We Mean When We Say,

         “Educating with Heart”

                 hen selecting a school,     comprehensive learner support        is centred on each individual’s
                 parents anticipate certain   structure across the school.        unique learning style, progress,
        Wkey qualities. Schools              We offer accommodations and          preferences, and talents, ensuring
        should provide a safe environment for   extensions in both preparatory and   they reach their potential in all areas
        children, promote effective learning,   college levels, bridging in Grades 1   of life, not just academically.
        and offer a comprehensive academic   and 2, and have an on-site therapy
        and co-curricular programme.         team providing various support       Explaining ‘educating with heart’
                                             therapies and programmes from        fully requires more than a short
        Preschools often highlight their     pre-prep onwards.                    article. To truly grasp what we
        nurturing and playful settings, while                                     mean, visit our campus, observe
        preparatory and high schools may     In our preparatory school, we        our teachers in action, listen to
        emphasise their commitment to        collaborate with educational         how learners interact or speak with
        excellence and developing future     specialists to ensure our curriculum   other parents about their child’s
        skills. These aspects are indeed     and approach align with learners’    experience at HBC.
        significant, but a slogan must       social, emotional, and academic
        transcend mere words. Parents        needs (SEL), and our academic             For more information,
        should delve deeper to understand    programmes and assessments are         visit HeronBridge College or
        what these statements mean for       progressive. SEL is integral to our    contact us on 011 540 4800 or
        their children.                      offerings in the college, with year
                                             tutors ensuring every child is seen,
        HeronBridge College was established   heard, and guided throughout their      HeronBridge College is a
        over 23 years ago with a vision to   school journey.                            Curro Select School.
        ‘educate with heart.’ Despite growth,
        evolution, and changes in ownership,   Balancing Heart and Excellence
        this core mission endures.           ‘Heart’ and ‘excellence’ are not
                                             mutually exclusive. Our heart-led,
        Meeting Each Child Where They Are    relational approach does not detract
        At HBC, we recognise each child’s    from our focus on results and goals.
        unique skills, talents, and abilities,   On the contrary, our intentional,
        believing they are individually crafted   heart-led methodology drives our
        by God. This belief underpins our    learners’ success. At HBC, education

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