Page 38 - Education Supplement February 2025
P. 38
Trampolining isn’t just about having fun; it’s a highly
effective way to promote physical and cognitive
development. It engages major muscle groups, boosts
circulation, and increases oxygen flow to the brain, which
enhances alertness and mental clarity. Since trampolining
is a low-impact activity, it’s gentle on joints while offering
a cardiovascular workout that builds endurance and
reduces fatigue.
Additionally, BOUNCING has been shown to improve
mood and mental health by releasing endorphins,
reducing anxiety, and promoting better sleep. These
benefits translate into greater emotional stability and
concentration, enabling children to perform better
s parents, we strive to support our children’s growth – whether At BOUNCE, kids can reap these benefits in a fun, safe,
it’s their physical health, emotional well-being, or academic and structured environment. With interconnected
Aachievements. The great news is that regular physical activity plays a trampolines, Big Bags, and designated Mini BOUNCE
crucial role in nurturing all these aspects. Among the many options available, zones, children can develop physical and cognitive skills
trampolining stands out as a fun and highly effective way to get kids moving. while having a blast.
At BOUNCE Indoor Action Adventure Park, children can jump, play, and
grow in a safe and engaging environment, all while building skills that directly WHAT SETS BOUNCE APART
enhance their success in the classroom. BOUNCE venues are thoughtfully designed to help
children build confidence, resilience, and social
EXERCISE AS THE FOUNDATION FOR GROWTH AND skills. From dodgeball games to climbing in X-Park,
LEARNING BOUNCE encourages teamwork, problem-solving, and
Physical activity is essential for a child’s overall development. Occupational perseverance – all while keeping kids active. And parents
therapist Tarryn Rutenburg highlights that exercise helps children improve are welcome to join the fun! Trampolining is a fantastic
coordination, strength, and body awareness. Activities like trampolining way to connect with your kids while enjoying a workout
stimulate critical body systems, including the vestibular system (responsible for of your own.
balance) and the proprioceptive system (which aids body positioning). These
systems are fundamental for sitting upright, running, and mastering fine motor BOUNCING is more than just a recreational activity – it’s
skills like handwriting. a dynamic tool for your child’s physical, emotional, and
academic development. At BOUNCE, kids can experience
In addition to improving physical capabilities, activities like BOUNCING engage hours of fun while gaining essential life skills that prepare
children’s senses and enhance spatial awareness. For example, learning to them for success in and out of the classroom.
balance while BOUNCING helps kids grasp concepts like up, down, left, and right
- key skills that support reading, writing, and problem-solving in the classroom.
There’s a strong connection between physical activity and academic
performance. Gross motor skills – such as jumping, running, and balancing
- are the building blocks for fine motor skills like cutting and handwriting.
Trampolining activities that require coordination also enhance focus,
instruction-following abilities, and creative skills, which are vital in a school
Furthermore, BOUNCING strengthens posture and muscle tone, allowing
children to sit upright at their desks and focus for longer periods. Improved
posture not only aids concentration but also helps kids actively participate in
classroom activities.
Education | February 2025 | 36